The AFRRCS Project awarded....

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Feb 24, 2001
As Jay noted; The AFRRCS Project has been awarded to Harris. No surprise here, from many sources testing in the 700 MHz band by Harris has been ongoing since late July throughout the province of Alberta.

The AFRRCS Project team is pleased to report that following the release of a very thorough RFP, receipt of high quality vendor responses, and in-depth first responder evaluation, the results of the evaluation have been communicated to the submitting vendors. Consequently, the GoA has initiated conversations with Harris Canada Systems, Inc. (Harris) to finalize a contract for the design, construction, and implementation and operation of the Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System.

Prior to final contract approval and award by senior levels of the GoA, the GoA and Harris will be working through due diligence and contract finalization activities. Even though the GoA is working toward a final contract with Harris, General Dynamics Canada Ltd. has not been excluded from consideration. If the GoA and Harris are unable to reach a satisfactory agreement the GoA has the option to enter into discussions with General Dynamics Canada Ltd.

A huge amount of time and effort has been expended by many organizations and individuals from across the province to reach this significant milestone. We are confident that with the continued support from the stakeholder community; AFRRCS will improve the safety and security of Alberta's first responders, and the safety of all Albertans.


Mar 1, 2009
Good to hear they finally chose a vendor. No real complaints with the Harris system here on the RCMP side, however the Fire/EMS side is a bit of a different story. Either way, Harris sounds like the good choice.

I just hope that you first responders to the West don't have to pay outrageous subscriber fees like some of us smaller agencies.
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