Wiki Admin Emeritus
A nice YouTube video on KPH....this is also where 2 Kiwi SDRs are located....thanks to Ron in Maryland (via UDXF) for this
You pass KPH on your way to the Coast Guard CAMS PAC station if I recall correctly.
I was a USCGR RM1, (81-90) but only visited Commsta San Fran one time.
Here's a good little movie about the UK coast stations all closing down in 1997 - although some of the operators sounded more like hams than the true professionals - Portpatrick Radio was the last of the 'real' coast stations and the others had already gone and were staffed by hams for the shutting down. Notice that some of the European stations were still operating, Ostend chips in with his reply.
qrt500 : Terry George, G4AMT : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Just wondering if this is still happening.KPH is on the air 12808 at 18:40 UTC, hearing CW in Niagara Ontario
Just wondering if this is still happening.
Originally they were on the air every Saturday. I don't know if that has changed, but today is Saturday, and I'm hearing them for the first time since the announcement last year that they couldn't use Point Reyes, CA for their activities, because it was off limits due to the pandemic.As I understand it is only activated for special events by amateur operators, check on holiday weekends