Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile 6.0) Sprint S511)
Most likley the Ancom LTr system that has many two channels:
Bobby & Steves
0-01-047 Eden Prairie
0-01-048 Normandale
0-01-049 Columbia Heights
0-01-050 France Ave
0-01-051 Nicollet Ave
0-01-052 Washington Ave
0-01-053 Cedar Lake Rd
0-03-101 Bryn Mar
0-03-102 Washington Ave
0-03-048 Columbia Heights
0-03-035 Kellys Towing
0-03-067 Frovik Towing
0-09-065 Schmit Towing Main
0-09-066 Schmit Towing Snow Emergency
0-18-036 Citywide Towing
0-18-037 Feist Towing AAA
0-18-038 Feist Towing Main
0-18-040 North Suburban Main