TRS in Beaufort County

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Dec 19, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Couple of questions for the Beaufort County and South Carolina experts:

(1) Does anyone have a list of 10-Codes for Beaufort County. I'm from Cincinnati and these darn 10-codes are killing me!

(2) Bigbie Electronics TRS: I believe I have the fleetmap worked out, at I believe I do, can anyone confirm that I have it right? Block 0 through Block 7 --> S1/S1/S2/S2/S3/S3/S4/S4

(3) Unlimited Communications TRS: Same thing as above, is this right? Block 0 through Block 7 --> S3/S3/S11/S4/S4/S0/S0/S0

Any help on these 3 things and I will be golden!



DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
As for the fleetmaps, you're probably the first who's tried to figure them out. Sumbit them and I'll add them to the database.

As for codes, see if these work (10-codes, followed by signals):
10-0 Caution
10-1 Unable to copy
10-2 Good Signal
10-3 Stop Transmiting
10-4 OK
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of service/Dead
10-8 In Service
10-9 Repeat Last
10-10 Fight
10-11 Animal incident
10-12 Stand by
10-13 Weather/Road report
10-14 Prowler
10-15 Disturbance
10-16 Domestic
10-17 Meet Complaintant
10-18 Expedite
10-19 Return
10-20 Location
10-21 Telephone
10-22 Disregard/Cancel
10-23 Arrive on Scene
10-24 Assignment Complete
10-25 Report to___ Lunch
10-26 Detain Subject/Suspect
10-27 Driver License Info
10-28 Vehicle Info
10-29 Wants and Warrants
10-30 Illegal use of Radio
10-31 In Prgoress
10-32 Weapon (gun)
10-33 Emergncy
10-34 Back-up
10-35 Major Disaster
10-36 Time
10-37 Suspicious
10-38 Vehicle Stop
10-39 Use Lights and Sirens
10-40 Silent run, No Delay
10-41 Begin Tour of Duty
10-42 End Tour of duty
10-43 Information
10-44 Rabid/Wild Animal
10-45 Animal Carcass
10-46 Assist Motorist
10-47 Traffic Light Out
10-48 Traffic Signal Repairs
10-49 Road Repairs
10-50 Traffic Accident
10-51 Wrecker
10-52 Ambulance needed
10-53 Traffic hazard
10-54 Live Stock on roadway
10-55 Intoxicated Driver
10-56 Intoxicated Person
10-57 Hit & Run
10-58 Direct Traffic
10-59 Escort
10-60 In the area
10-61 Are you Okay
10-62 Abandon Vehicle
10-63 Prepare to Copy
10-64 Message for Delivery
10-65 BOLO/Be on the Lookout
10-66 Cancel BOLO
10-67 Missing Person
10-68 Runaway
10-69 Message Delivered
10-70 Fire
10-71 Advise nature of Fire
10-72 Report Fire in progress
10-73 Smoke / Fog report
10-74 Negative
10-75 In Contact with
10-76 Enroute
10-77 Estimate Time of Arrival
10-78 Office Needs Help
10-79 Notify Coroner
10-80 Pursuit/Chase
10-81 Datamaster/Breathaliser
10-82 Man Down
10-83 School Crossing
10-84 Burglary
10-85 Stolen Vehicle
10-86 Vandalism
10-87 Stolen Property
10-88 Assault and Battery
10-89 Bomb Threat
10-90 Activated Alarm
10-91 Pick Up Subject/Transport
10-92 Parking Violation
10-93 Blockade
10-94 Drag Raceing/High Speed
10-95 Prisoner in Custody
10-96 Mental Subject
10-97 Signal Check / Test
10-98 Jail Break
10-99 Warrents / Wanted
1 Shots fired
3 Driving under Suspension
4 Armed Robbery
5 Criminal Sexual Assult
6 Kidnapping
7 Murder
8 Narcotics
9 Out of County/District
10 Enroute Columbia
11 Return to County/District
12 No Info/ Don't know
13 Suicide
14 Stabbing
15 Resume Normal
16 ____is calling
17 How Do You Copy
18 Suspect Apprehended
19 Out With Suspects
20 Tower Lights out
21 Water Leak
22 Urgent
23 Wires Down
24 Flooding
25 Meal Break
26 Out of Car Radio On
27 Remain in Service
28 Visitor Present
29 Harassing Phone Calls
30 Trespassing
31 Indecent exposure
32 Snake Incident
33 Plane Crash
34 Missing/Lost Boater
35 Alcohol Violation
36 Blue Law Violation
37 Riot in Progress
38 Permiss. To Leave Area
39 In Vehicle, Off Duty
40 Gas Drive off(Misc Call)
41 Stong Arm Robbery
42 Gunshot Victim
43 Forgery
44 Drug Overdose
45 Defrauding Innkeeper
46 Attempted Armed Robbery
47 Truancy
48 Breach of Trust
49 Breach of Trust Vehicle
50 Attempted B & E
51 B & E Auto
52 B & E Auto Business
53 B & E Residence
54 Recovered Stolen Property
55 Attempted CSC (Rape)
56 Disturbing Schools
57 Shoplifting
58 Vandalism Auto
59 Vandalisn Business
60 Vandalism Residence
61 Vandalisnm Property
62 Child Abuse / Neglect
63 Elder Abuse / Neglect
64 Stalking
65 Unlawful Poss of Weapon
66 Unlawful Carring Weapon
67 Weapon Viol. Crime
68 Beach Patrol
69 Boat Patrol
70 Alarm Auto
71 Alarm Business
72 Alarm Residence
73 TR-309 (Accident Report)
74 TR-310
75 Refered to Other
76 Extra Patrol Residence
77 Extra Patrol Business
78 Proactive Business
79 Proactive Residence
80 Unsecure Premiss
81 Secured premiss
82 Assist Stranded Motorist
83 Assist Multi Jur. NTF
84 Assist DJJ
85 Assist DSS
86 Assist Probation/Parole
87 Assist Beaufort PD
88 Assist Port Royal PD
89 Assist Blufton PD
90 Assist Yemassee PD
91 Assist Highway Patrol
92 Assist PMO
93 Assist SLED
94 Assist DNR
95 Assist Feferal
96 Assist Priv. Plant Security
97 Assist Other
98 Assist with Traffic
99 Assist with Criminal
100 Assist with Arrest
101 Assist with Investigation
102 Assist with Perimeter
103 Assist with 10-81
104 Civil Court
105 Civil Process
106 Supoena
107 Eviction
108 Judgement
109 Fraud Check
110 Back in Station
111 UTT Issued
112 Warning Issued
113 Verbal Warning
114 Warrant Arrest
115 Magistrate Court
116 General Sessions Court
117 Municipal Court
118 Family Court
119 Federal Court
120 Training Exercise on Radio
121 Criminal Case
122 Traffic Case
123 Solicitor Case/Office
124 Community Training
125 Crime Prevent Training
126 Field Training
127 Admin Training
128 Special Team Training
129 S R T Training
130 K-9 Training
131 Training Exercise
132 No Paper Work
133 911 Hang up
134 Health and Welfare Check
135 Property ?????
136 Lost Property
137 Found Property
138 Misc Call


Dec 19, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Thanks for the reply...your list of 10-Codes really helps out on some of the more obscure ones (bear in mind that where I am from most LE agencies don't use 10-Codes and the FD/EMS agencies use plain speech!).

As for the fleetmaps on the two TRS, I want to wait another day or two to verify that I have things right. At this time I believe everything is correct as I am not missing any transmissions.



Apr 29, 2001
Fort Mill, S.C. (just south of Charlotte, N.C.)
My understanding - and the changeover happened awhile back - is that the Bigbie site, and two others in neighboring Savannah (Chatham co, Ga), are being operated by Nextel.

Nextel continues to operated them as analog trunked SMR sites.

James Brummett / "frequencyman" has done some research and identified the custom fleet maps for the two Savannah sites. I don't know if he participates on the Georgia forum on RR, but he is active on the ScanSavannah list on Yahoogroups, and you might want to contact his or post a request for information there - or on the CharlestonScan list.

Jeff Multer


Aug 10, 2006
No, Nextel operates no more analog sites in the Sav area any more, haven't in many years. Bigbie operates all 5 of the Motorola private systems in the GA/SC area.


Dec 19, 2002
South Carolina Lowcountry
Beaufort County ten codes and signals.

On the list Brian sent, signals start after 10-99
Sig forty is a mess as Sheriff office uses it for gas drive offs while most everyone else uses it according to the national APCO standard as a misc call.

The list through signal 43 is the modified APCO list, beyond that it is all sheriff inspired garbage. The list has grown since the list Brian sent out. All you really need to know is 10-70 fire, 10-50 wreck EMS code 76 drowning, EMS code 15 for shooting. 10-42 shooting

Brian take note 10-33 tends to mean explosion and 10-35 is used mostly for airplane crashed, about one a year. Also the county uses the fairly standard EMS code system that is nation wide. Hilton Head Fire and EMS uses plain language with an occasion 10-7 or 10-93 thrown in

As to the two SMR sites, we are working on it. So far the Bigbie fleet map looks good.
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