I located these AM radio stations doing an 8 mile radius search of the area centered beween Pennsylvania Road and Sibley Road:
WPJR341 MICHIGAN, STATE OF Active 07/30/2012 AM 1630
WPTK837 Township of Grosse Ile Expired 04/22/2002 AM 1710
WPUA590 Township of Grosse Ile Active 01/24/2012 AM 1700
WPVZ711 CIty of Riverview Expired 03/31/2003 AM 1650
WPWK899 CIty of Riverview Active 12/10/2012 AM 1650
WPYT755 City of Wyandotte Expired 04/24/2004 AM 1670
WPZV580 CIty of Wyandotte Active 03/23/2014 AM 1670
WQEQ301 City of Dearborn Heights Active 03/22/2016 AM 1690
I could not locate any FM stations in that area.
For more info on the location of the AM stations use this for entering the callsign:
Some other RR users may have better info.