Upland Area updated Fire TGID's, help needed. . !

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Jan 10, 2007
I'm located in Upland, San Bernardeno County System-09, and System-06/07.
I've been having a hard time picking up my local FD Engine's 161, 162, 163 & 164. I pickup all the other area's FD Engines but seem to be having a problem with these, and they are the ones closest to me.

I hear the FD dispatch on System-06/07, and on the Simucast Freqs. but don't ever seem to hear replies (from engine's 161, 162, 163 & 164) ? Right know I am running my scanner Uniden BC246T with it set on ID Scan to get rid of the other chatter.

Does anyone have any updated Fire TGID'd for System-09 and/or System-06/07 ?


Nov 13, 2005
I guess we can try this.... again. All of the TG's listed for SBCo. are current and working:

UPLAND FD IS NOT ON SYSTEM 6/7. Never have been, never will be. Period, end of story. There is fire dispatching going on on System 6/7, but not for Upland. Not today, not ever. These TG's are NOT listed under Upland FD, because they are County Allied Agency Freqs. The stuff listed under 'Upland FD' are little used tacs for fireground, etc.

They are dispatched by Ontario FD on 9-FIREDISP (TG: 1904) and respond on 9-FIRECOMMAND-2 (TG: 2128). SYSTEM # 9!

I promise.

You can also hear the simulcast on 154.025 (Dispatch only). On this TG you will hear the dispacther that is also on 9-FIREDISP (TG#1904). TG 1904 and 154.025 are one in the same. They are permenently patched together. you will NOT hear ANY units on that channel, only paging tones and a dispacther (and 4 times an hour, morse code identifier)

Here is what you should hear (on the TG's I gave you, and only on those):

"Medic Engine 161, Heart Attack at 1234 N. 1st Ave, Cross of 2nd Street, K-King-4 (the map section) on Fire Command 2"

Once in a while, certain dispatchers will say "Fire Command 2/Tac 3" they only say "tac 3" in the rare case that the incident will require its own TG, the captain will know what it will be. This is usually on large fires/incidents where a "tac" is used. NEARLY ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH UPLAND FIRE WILL BE ON 9-DISP -or- 9-COMMAND-2.

Once the engine is enroute, he may not need to use the radio at all. He can MDT her the info that he is responding, on scene and available. Some captians use the radio a lot, some use the MDT. usually when AMR arrives they will say "Ontario, Medic Engine 161, Ambulance on-scene."

AMR is on System 6/7... even when they are in System 9's area. You see, System 9 and 6/7 share a few TX and RX sites...

This is where they have been since 1992 when the 800mhz system went 10-8.

The following is cut/pasted right off of the System 9 database, these are the 'real' west end FD TG's:

County/Cities Misc Fire Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Display Description
1904 077 A 9-DSPCH Dispatch
1968 07b A 9-FTAC-1 Countywide Tactical 1 (Patched to all systems)
2000 07d A 9-FTAC-2 Countywide Tactical 2 (Patched to all systems)
2096 083 A 9-FCMD-1 Command 1
2128 085 A 9-FCMD-2 Command 2
2608 0a3 A 9-INSP Inspectors
2704 0a9 A 9-PREV Prevention

You can take this baby to the bank, deposit it, and spend the cash as needed... because this info I am giving you is 100% accurate. It will work.

I wish I could work your radio, but I have a Pro-96 that functions differently than your uniden. But I assure you this: The above info is what you are looking for, you just have to figure out how to implement it.

You do not need System 6/7 scanned where you live unless you want to listen to: Rancho Cucamonga PD, AMR or the hospital-to-base TG's (which are largely silent in this part of the county due to the use of cell phones to call in patient status). Your entire cities public safety can be monitored on (and only on) system # 9.

Me and my tired fingers hope this helps this time...


Nov 13, 2005
Oh... and, dont be confused by 6-FIRE-1 and 9-FIREDISP... they are both TG: 1904... but NOT on the same system.


Jan 10, 2007
Thank you very much iepoker. I was just confused since I her a fare amount of medic engine trafic and AMR on 06/07 but don't seem to hear much of anything from medic engines 161, 162, 163 & 164. I was starting to think they were using conventional freq's. are something. It's just strange why hear the 170's allot but never the 160 engines. I have both System-9 and 06/07 both in the scanner with all the TGID's in. Thanks for the info . . .

Also what are the HEX #'s & Mode used for and do I need to input those into my scanner for better reseption ?
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Nov 13, 2005
Dont bother with those, your reception will not change.

171-177 units *may* occasionally pop up on System 6/7 because they roll mutual aid with Fontana who uses that system, so they may switch over occasionally.

If you monitor System 9 TG's 1904 & 2128 you WILL hear Upland Fire... but keep in mind they are small town and less runs. But that is where they are.

Again, this has been like this for 15 years, and not likely to change until the whole system changes... which will be in the next 5 years or so.
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