Welland Canada Win97 File Request: What is Your best file for a fellow Canadian?

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Jan 19, 2008
As a beginner myself, I am in the USA and trying to find the best Starrsoft Win97 file for a Radio Shack Pro 97 scanner, which is limited to only 10 Banks of 100 Channels with no V Folders.

I am hoping to have something ready out of the box to work and help this family in Welland Canada with all the important aspects that pertain to that area.

Hopefully over time, as they learn, then perhaps they may incorporate their personal style.

Given the limitations of this scanner, if you had to maximize the potential of a Radio Shack Pro 97 scanner, what would you consider to be the ideal Win97 file?

I think this beginner would be best served having a scanner that first will enhance their families security. Prioritizing Local Police, Fire, Medical, Weather Alert On, Schools-Safety, etc. Once the priorities have been achieved, anything extra that fits in the file would be a bonus so they have fun and enjoyment too.

I looked on the data base here and only found about 6 frequencies for Welland. They would be simple enough for me to program those in Win97 (I hope) :)

However, anything more complicated like trunking and step sizes could be difficult for me, since I am also a beginner and not in Canada with time on my hands to work things through, figuring it out and testing the programs. So a ready Win97 file would be a big help to get things right.

If any of you in the same area of Canada are familiar with Welland and have a Win97 file that can be shared and could be posted here for download, it would be most appreciated. Thank you
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