What type of scanner do i need for Beaufort SCPolice, Fire and EMS

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Apr 1, 2010
Summerville, SC
I would like to become a broadcaster but un-aware of the right equipment that I need, I have been looking online for different scanners, there are so many options, Trunk-tracking, with 800mhz w/o 800 MHz, analog and digital scanners, I would like to broadcast for Beaufort SC, can u please tell me what options I need to buy in a scanner? Here is a list of channels I would like to broadcast…..

Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag
154.35500 KYW881
BM 118.8 PL BCFD Disptch Beaufort Co. FD Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
155.17500 KXQ750
BM 118.8 PL BC EMS Disp Beaufort Co. EMS Dispatch FM EMS Dispatch
155.28000 KIB334
BM BC EMS Beaufort Co. EMS FM EMS-Tac


Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag
39.98000 KAG217
BM Bfrt Co SD Beaufort Co. SD FM Law Talk
460.22500 KZW874
RM Bfrt Co SD Beaufort Co. SD FM Law Talk
460.25000 KID265
RM Bfrt Co SD Beaufort Co. SD FM Law Talk
460.27500 KID265
BM Bfrt Reg LE Beaufort Co. SD Regional Police FM Law Talk

855.23750 WNQQ218
RM BfrtCoSD MDT Beaufort Co. SD MDTs FM Law Talk

Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag
854.06250 M Bfrt Co Talk Beaufort Co. Talk-around Simplex FM Interop

868.83750 WPUW917
RM Bft 800 Rpt Beaufort Conventional Repeater FM Interop

I have been looking at the uniden bearcat bct8, will this work for these Feqs?


DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
You, and your listeners, will probably be disappointed in a feed limited to these frequencies. While the Fire and EMS dispatch frequencies are still used for call tone-out, the Police frequencies you mentioned are not used on a regular basis, if at all, and are probably only maintained as a back-up system.

The majority of traffic for all Beaufort County public safety and local government agencies is carried on this system: Palmetto (Project 25) Trunking System, , South Carolina - Scanner Frequencies

Because this is a digital P25 trunked radio system, you'll need to invest in a scanner capable of monitoring this type of system. You best bet will be to use a GRE-500/600, Uniden BCD-396XT/996XT, Home Patrol, or Radio Shack PRO-106/197. While the RS and GRE scanners are functionally equivalent (cosmetically a little different), the Unidens are somewhat different. It's impossible to say which one might be the best fit for you. Each comes with different accessories, and prices vary quite a bit.

Hope that helps.
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