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Premium Subscriber
Oct 2, 2009
Trying on my own, with no experience,to program for about 6 mos a Pro !62. Read posts up the wazoo, all great and information packed, but I don't speak the languge yet. So far I have, a nice little 162 with Sacramento area nloaded and working fine,so I'm having my share of fun. #2 a USB cable which I deduced I should have to go from the PC to the 162 , it came with a small dic with drive information, information that is not given in my device manager, and a little pigtail. It all came in a 30 buck plastic envelope with a tag written in Chinese. I believe it says "you bought it, You own it" I also purchased the necessary ARC 160 program from Butel. Ok, what do I need now toroll, or am I good to go?
Don't get the wrong idea, I've having a ball, I'm just frustrated when you guys make it sound so, so .....elementary.


Mar 12, 2004
Trying on my own, with no experience,to program for about 6 mos a Pro !62. Read posts up the wazoo, all great and information packed, but I don't speak the languge yet. So far I have, a nice little 162 with Sacramento area nloaded and working fine,so I'm having my share of fun. #2 a USB cable which I deduced I should have to go from the PC to the 162 , it came with a small dic with drive information, information that is not given in my device manager, and a little pigtail. It all came in a 30 buck plastic envelope with a tag written in Chinese. I believe it says "you bought it, You own it" I also purchased the necessary ARC 160 program from Butel. Ok, what do I need now toroll, or am I good to go?
Don't get the wrong idea, I've having a ball, I'm just frustrated when you guys make it sound so, so .....elementary.

1. Don't use the pigtail. It is only for older scanners.
2. First trying plugging the cable in. Your PC may detect it and run OK. If not, install the driver on the CD.
3. When Sacramento re-bands, all the freqs. in the RR database will change. Just subtract 15.0000 from the listed freqs. The PRO-162 will operate with just the 4 control channel freqs. I would put in the 4 old freqs. and the 4 new freqs. and put the city and county systems in separate banks. Then, when they change you will never realize it.
4. The PRO-162 needs special programming for re-banded systems. Join this group for details. Go to the FILES section (left side of the group's page), click "Re-banding Programming". Use Option 3 or 4, depending on the exact system freqs.
PRO-160-162 : PRO-160-162 scanner help


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Trying on my own, with no experience,to program for about 6 mos a Pro !62. Read posts up the wazoo, all great and information packed, but I don't speak the languge yet.
Gee you're at post 23 and you still don't speak the language? LOL. Don't worry about that, everyone speaks a little differently these days anyway.

So far I have, a nice little 162 with Sacramento area nloaded and working fine,so I'm having my share of fun.
nloaded? See! I wonder what you mean by that. I am in the Sacramento area, and I have it loaded with lots of other stuff in northern California.

#2 a USB cable which I deduced I should have to go from the PC to the 162 , it came with a small dic with drive information, information that is not given in my device manager, and a little pigtail.
Somewhere here on RR we recently went through a long list of scanners and noted which require that pigtail and which do not. I remember that it is largely used by Uniden-made scanners, which the PRO-162 is.

All of these cables contain a "SUB to COM port" converter in them. The first time you plug the cable in to your PC, it will look for a driver to make the cable function. When it asks, tell the PC you have a disc, and put that disc you got into your PC. Once the cable is working, you can go to Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device manager -> Ports to see what COM port has been assigned. You'll need that info to configure your scanner programming software.

I also purchased the necessary ARC 160 program from Butel. Ok, what do I need now to roll, or am I good to go?
I am not familiar with ARC160. Some programs have the ability to "import" data from RadioReference.com directly. It saves a lot of work, especially typing. If that program has that ability, then you'll need to have a paid subscription here to use it. UPDATE: I see you already have that too. You should be totally ready!

Don't get the wrong idea, I've having a ball, I'm just frustrated when you guys make it sound so, so .....elementary.
LOL. We'll you're in the right place to hear lots of stuff going on. The radio traffic in Sacramento is crazy. Welcome to RadioReference and happy scanning.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 2, 2009
Thanks Clam- all good. I followed the script I pieiced together from all the info gleaning. Wound up with "up-loading to scanner" type messages ,flashing lights on cords , the whole shooting match.. My scanner now feels heavier so something must have gotten in there HOWEVER' I get ALL Channells Locked out oon the screnn when it comes on? Easy fix or am I scrod?
Ps I know all the flashing lights, progress bars etc are just a pacifier for us children of the Mercury Mission era; but it's a good thing.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 2, 2009
Well boys, even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while. Took two tries (one to lose the "All L/o" tag" but it seems to be up and running. I can see that I'll be wanting to cull quite a few ancilliary channels but that can woait for another time. Thanks to everybody for the help and info, "Scan On" McDuff!"
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