What's up with ARES Calgary?

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May 14, 2013
Calgary, AB

I see that there is a new group in Calgary called Calgary Regional ARES and I've heard that there is an older group also called ARES Calgary but they're no longer going or something?

What happened to all the gear and equipment - where is it and who has it now, etc, just the back story. I'm curious .....

Can someone fill me in - here if you want it to be public or to me privately at dead1@live.ca - Just wondering what went on. Which one can we join?

Thanks .......


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
I haven't heard much from ARES Calgary since they helped with the floods in the High River area in 2005. They were not active there last year, although members probably helped. Their repeater which was just outside Calgary has been moved to south Calgary. And Thundermedic has been active with Calgary Regional ARES so he probably or will be updating you on this. If you have not looked at this thread: http://forums.radioreference.com/pr...rta-ares-activation-multiple-ares-groups.html, it will explain some of the activities that took place during last years floods.


May 14, 2013
Calgary, AB
Hi robertmac,

Thanks for the info .... it's good to see everyone pulling together like that when it really matters, that's really cool and great to see. Hopefully we can see a lot more of that and avoid the ego's and troll comments. (but man do I love donuts- grin) I'm a new Ham and one of the big things to me is just being able to help out if I can ..... but hopefully no one ever needs our help!



Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
I will say that the ARES in Calgary, outside of the flood last year and some ICS courses has been dead on the air. I used to spend most of my summers in the Edmonton area and know they used to be very active on their weekly nets. Now, not having been in Edmonton lately, I cannot say how active ARES is on the 2 m net. Nor for that matter have I listened to the Alberta ARES Sunday net on 3.675. The Calgary ARES net used to be on Sunday at 2000 hours but I have not heard it since before Christmas. I did not look at the Central Alberta amateur radio club site, but they often have an exercise [to give some experience in handling traffic and linking up repeaters Alberta wide-and asking for availability should amateurs be required in the Red Deer Area] in the Spring and Fall. It is sometimes held along with the Edmonton group. Overall, I would say that ARES activity in the Calgary area is very limited. Mind you, it probably helps that the Provincial EOC is based in Edmonton. As you know in Calgary CARA is not really an ARES group [although a large number of members are] but they are very active in the Public Service area. Foothills Amateur Radio Society does not have a specific ARES group but again their members volunteer as an ARES operation. The do perform some limited Public Service activity such as the Little Britches Rodeo [May long weekend], 5, 10 and Half Marathon [although with the flood last year this was cancelled], and some other activities when required. It is much less than CARAs activity. However, members of FARS and Calgary ARES, as in the Flood last year, certainly support each other. I believe Lethbridge area has an ARES starting up but can't really say how that is progressing. Can't comment about Medicine Hat, but believe members there also were active last year and do public service events. Thus, I'm sure all these clubs would enjoy whatever help you or other amateurs can offer when it is required. One thing I would say is look at all the various club sites, ARES sites and program the frequencies listed on these sites into your radio. Even though you may not use them all the time or vary often, at least you will have them programmed into your radio when they are required. The other thing I would encourage you to do, is look at the repeaterbook.com web site for Alberta as they generally have all the repeaters in Alberta listed. Some also have a coverage area shown for hand helds and mobile and this will give you an idea of what is required if you do go to a particular area to help out. It is of little help if one goes to an area and is not familiar with the repeaters in that area and their access codes [generally ARES is 100, FARS/CARA is 110.9 and SARA is 114.8]. I keep a list of all repeaters in Alberta [Amateur and others] and try to keep this updated largely by reviewing repeaterbook.com and Radioreference Data Base on a fairly regular basis. Then if any new repeaters or frequencies show up, I can program them in. And know how to program frequencies into your radio without using a computer. This will allow you to program or adjust a frequency on the fly without having to use a computer. That is why all amateur radios have front/key pad programming ability.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
In my long winded article above, I probably have forgotten or missed other ARES groups. One that I did miss was the Mercury Amateur Radio Association Calgary and Southern Alberta groups who helped out immensely last year in the Floods. They have a net on Sundays at 2100 hours on the FARS network.


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
I will say that the ARES in Calgary, outside of the flood last year and some ICS courses has been dead on the air. I used to spend most of my summers in the Edmonton area and know they used to be very active on their weekly nets. Now, not having been in Edmonton lately, I cannot say how active ARES is on the 2 m net. Nor for that matter have I listened to the Alberta ARES Sunday net on 3.675. The Calgary ARES net used to be on Sunday at 2000 hours but I have not heard it since before Christmas. I did not look at the Central Alberta amateur radio club site, but they often have an exercise [to give some experience in handling traffic and linking up repeaters Alberta wide-and asking for availability should amateurs be required in the Red Deer Area] in the Spring and Fall. It is sometimes held along with the Edmonton group. Overall, I would say that ARES activity in the Calgary area is very limited. Mind you, it probably helps that the Provincial EOC is based in Edmonton. As you know in Calgary CARA is not really an ARES group [although a large number of members are] but they are very active in the Public Service area. Foothills Amateur Radio Society does not have a specific ARES group but again their members volunteer as an ARES operation. The do perform some limited Public Service activity such as the Little Britches Rodeo [May long weekend], 5, 10 and Half Marathon [although with the flood last year this was cancelled], and some other activities when required. It is much less than CARAs activity. However, members of FARS and Calgary ARES, as in the Flood last year, certainly support each other. I believe Lethbridge area has an ARES starting up but can't really say how that is progressing. Can't comment about Medicine Hat, but believe members there also were active last year and do public service events. Thus, I'm sure all these clubs would enjoy whatever help you or other amateurs can offer when it is required. One thing I would say is look at all the various club sites, ARES sites and program the frequencies listed on these sites into your radio. Even though you may not use them all the time or vary often, at least you will have them programmed into your radio when they are required. The other thing I would encourage you to do, is look at the repeaterbook.com web site for Alberta as they generally have all the repeaters in Alberta listed. Some also have a coverage area shown for hand helds and mobile and this will give you an idea of what is required if you do go to a particular area to help out. It is of little help if one goes to an area and is not familiar with the repeaters in that area and their access codes [generally ARES is 100, FARS/CARA is 110.9 and SARA is 114.8]. I keep a list of all repeaters in Alberta [Amateur and others] and try to keep this updated largely by reviewing repeaterbook.com and Radioreference Data Base on a fairly regular basis. Then if any new repeaters or frequencies show up, I can program them in. And know how to program frequencies into your radio without using a computer. This will allow you to program or adjust a frequency on the fly without having to use a computer. That is why all amateur radios have front/key pad programming ability.

I do not know where to start... There are a lot of factual errors in this post. To start ARES Calgary is NOT a recognized group in Calgary, or Alberta, In ANY way, shape or form.

FARS supports a very well organized ARES group, Foothills ARES, and were extremely involved in the High River flooding, in fact were in the thick of it. While there is ARES in both Medicine Hat, and Lethbridge, the Medicine Hat group is not very cooperative with anyone.

Repeaterbook is probably the best database for Alberta repeaters, the Alberta portion of the database is maintained by a couple of Alberta amateurs, and they are very active in the radio community.

As far as PL tones, there is no set standard. Any group is free to use what ever PL they want. 100.0Hz is not an ARES 'standard' PL frequency, it just happens to be the PL the Edmonton group uses, and has decided to use on the provincially coordinated ARES portable repeater and ARES simplex frequencies. Because of this, the SEC and ASEC a recommend that other groups adopt this as well, although no group is forced to use either the coordinated pairs, or simplex channels.

SARA, as they expand, will be using 4 or 5 different PL frequencies, through out the province, based on a regionalized scheme, with 114.8 being the 'core' PL tone.

To the OP I sent you an Email a day or two ago, please contact me off board for more information regarding ARES, both locally in Calgary, and provincially.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
About the only "factual errors" that I made was calling the ARES net on Sunday evenings as ARES Calgary. I should have said Calgary Regional ARES. But when the net was running it was the Stampeded ARES. Again the Net has not been heard since 2013 December. And I cannot comment on their activities as on the air activity is non existent. They do have a web site and I am sure they have pointed the OP in that direction. There was an ARES Calgary, which some of the newer ARES seem to want to brush aside, and the OP mentioned in his first post. And they were recognized. But I must admit I am not certain what their members are doing. Re FARS, I am well aware of FARS where all it's members can be used as an ARES group when the need arises. I have seen them work flood watches, in the EOCs in High River, Black Diamond and Turner Valley during a number of floods, parades, half marathons, and backing up the Fire Department when the telephone lines went down a few years ago. As for the tones, I did say "generally". Nothing was said about these cast in stone. FARS/CARA had an understanding to try and standardize to 110.9. That is the reason for pointing people to the repeaterbook.com so they can see what Tones are indicated. Not all the repeaters on the FARS network require tones, but putting them into your radio to transmit them [not receive] they will be there if they do require an access tone. Now, if I made some more outstanding errors, these should be cleared so people are not mislead.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
I think you need to stick to trolling the Calgary Sun comments as calgary_bob1. Your information here is not at all helping the OP. The Calgary Regional ARES administrator has been in touch with him.


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
About the only "factual errors" that I made was calling the ARES net on Sunday evenings as ARES Calgary.

There are more, see below and I will explain them again.

I should have said Calgary Regional ARES. But when the net was running it was the Stampeded ARES. Again the Net has not been heard since 2013 December. And I cannot comment on their activities as on the air activity is non existent.

Then why comment if you do not know? Just to fill space? FYI stampede ARES and Calgary Regional are the same thing. The group just chose a different name when they incorporated.

They do have a web site and I am sure they have pointed the OP in that direction.

So why did you not direct him to the site, rather than spread mis-information?

There was an ARES Calgary, which some of the newer ARES seem to want to brush aside, and the OP mentioned in his first post.

ARES Calgary decided to support the City, but then decided to be paid for it. They are NOT recognized by ARES in ANY way shape or form. What part of this do you not seem to understand? They made choices not inline with the ARES way.

And they were recognized. But I must admit I am not certain what their members are doing.

yes they were, at one time, but Again, coming from someone who is actually in the know, THEY ARE NOT RECOGNIZED IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM.

Re FARS, I am well aware of FARS where all it's members can be used as an ARES group when the need arises. I have seen them work flood watches, in the EOCs in High River, Black Diamond and Turner Valley during a number of floods, parades, half marathons, and backing up the Fire Department when the telephone lines went down a few years ago.

The various clubs and the ARES groups are separate entities. Although they tend to be the sponsored by clubs they do not have to be, kinda like Calgary Regional.

As for the tones, I did say "generally". Nothing was said about these cast in stone. FARS/CARA had an understanding to try and standardize to 110.9.

Better to just point them to Repeaterbook. Too many variables.

That is the reason for pointing people to the repeaterbook.com so they can see what Tones are indicated. Not all the repeaters on the FARS network require tones, but putting them into your radio to transmit them [not receive] they will be there if they do require an access tone. Now, if I made some more outstanding errors, these should be cleared so people are not mislead.

See even you point them to Repeaterbook, rather than makes statements that are only half true.

I am very aware of the various networks, how they are configured, and what they are capable of. Still trying to figure out why groups insist on having repeaters that do not transmit PL tones, especially in a city like Calgary with all the adjacent band crap out there, but that is another topic for another thread.

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
OK, I will point him to the ARES Calgary, web site: ARES Calgary Home Page. Spoken like a young guy from BC that was not around when a lot of this stuff was going on. I was when some young guys started bad mouthing ARES Calgary. And I agree, they should not have been charging [as stated here] for services if done within Amateur Radio. But that is for another post and not to be hashed out here. And for one that is not a FARS member, well again, not to be hashed out here. And for not being around when FARS and CARA decided, because they wanted to support each other and be able to have it's members use repeaters for public service events, the 110.9 was chosen for both FARS and CARA. Mind you, not all FARS frequencies require this tone yet, basically on 1 repeater [147.000 at Gladys Ridge]. More can be found at Foothills Amateur Radio Society | Southern Alberta's Number One Radio Club. And some people do like to still recognize long serving hams that have supported the clubs for years and not institute codes unless really required. And yes, the time is coming, but we can not throw the long time supporters aside like dirty rags, or the current buzz words "excess baggage". And I did point him to repeaterbook.ca, not sure what the problem is here. I guess we can agree to disagree on semantics. And I did say that "when" Calgary Regional ARES was Stampede ARES. I was aware of how they started up. But I guess my English isn't the same as others. And I would say ask FARs if their ARES is actually a "separate" entity. Yes, when they work these functions they are doing it mostly as ARES but I would say it is not a separate entity, again semantics. FARS was trying to set up a separate repeater system for Emergency use, but currently there is only one repeater on this system [444.575 which is the only repeater which actually requires a tone of 156.7], but it is almost never used, and wasn't during any of the floods over the various years. I really was only trying to point the OP in the right direction. If I was way off base, I am man enough to accept that I was wrong. But when someone says that I was incorrect in my statements, I feel that I have the right to rebuttal. It really is amazing today how some are so quick to "stereotype" others! Period! If someone doesn't like it I guess they can ignore it. And I could care less if someone "reports" this as life still goes on. And PMs are deleted without being read. I guess from this the OP will find out that there are various problems within "clubs" when people cannot agree to disagree.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
I think you need to stick to trolling the Calgary Sun comments as calgary_bob1. Your information here is not at all helping the OP. The Calgary Regional ARES administrator has been in touch with him.

And I really wonder how this statement is helping the OP? I try not to accuse people or make assumptions or make an assume. The OP made a comment to me and I was trying to help the OP understand what is going on. Some may have been done in a PM but I was trying to point out about FARS. And from observations made during floods, etc., I was trying to make the OP aware of what is required BEFORE he is called out to help. If that is trolling, I am not sure what isn't!


Nov 25, 2007

FARS supports a very well organized ARES group, Foothills ARES, and were extremely involved in the High River flooding, in fact were in the thick of it. While there is ARES in both Medicine Hat, and Lethbridge, the Medicine Hat group is not very cooperative with anyone.

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I would just like to say the the people down in Medicine Hat are more than happy to get help in any way. Medicine Hat does not have many active amateurs and I would hardly say we are not willing to cooperate with anyone. I am personally involved with the MHARC and never get contacted about issues or people looking for help or information. Considering the lack of radio operators in Medicine Hat I think the handfull of people we had out did a good job.


May 14, 2013
Calgary, AB
wow .... just wow ! (grin)

Hi Gang,

Well, I was off the thread here for a while because I got the info I wanted but now that I just logged in today let me just say WOW. I'm a new ham but being 50 years old in two weeks’ time won't qualify me as a young guy but anyway .... I got my licence because of some blue water sailing I was doing in the central pacific ocean, so I’m done that now and I still have my licence. It doesn’t go away – who knew?

So since I have a licence and there’s a hell of a tradition out there in the world with Amateur Radio helping out in the community’s when needed I’m gonna help out if and where I can. I’ve been volunteering for clubs in and around Calgary for about 35 years so I don’t see any reason to stop now, besides volunteering is fun!

As I can see, there been a bit of a history with these ARES groups. OK, well since I’m a newbie I’ll volunteer for both. If one group is doing something weasely or not kosher I’ll figure it out and it’ll pretty obvious pretty damm quick. If a radio club is going to try to ask for money for doing volunteer public service work then they need to ask themselves how can they justify that? I’ve read a few things in various Ham Radio books that pretty much spell out that that’s not something you do. It’s sort of where you get the word volunteering from, if you can’t figure it out go get a dictionary. Here’s one now! ---> Volunteering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (grin) I still just hope that if the (you know what) hits the fan everyone will pull together, I guess we’ll see.

As for some of the people who posted originally and gave me some advice - thanks !! As for some other members who didn’t like what the first guy said OK, fine, offer up your advice too! Don’t worry about what person A says if you disagree, that’s cool – just offer your advice and let it be, as you get older you learn to separate the good stuff from the bad anyway so it’ll all come out in the wash anyway. I’ll figure out what’s real and what’s BS …..

As for on-line forums and especially Radio Ref – this site is amazing, I’ve been looking at other ham clubs sites and the folks here really are experts and they know their stuff. Some of the other clubs sites are pretty quiet. I think there’s no better way to get advice than these online forums, but let me just say one thing. If you’re going to have these little tiff’s that’s OK, people disagree. However, if you’re going to say XYZ thing then think about what you want to say and would you still say it if you were standing in front of the other person?

Think about that - then post (grin) I’m a bit different in that I’ve been involved in computers since the days of XT’s and the first IBMs and I started back the day of BBS’s and Mosaic and I’ve always logged on and posted as myself, and yes I’m in the phone book with my name and address publicly available. People find it very easy to hide behind an alias and say whatever they want to …… but try not to start fights ….. just agree to disagree. If someones a weasel they'll show they're true cards soon enough.

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