Wiki for pirate radio

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Some of you know that I have been rewriting (or in some cases writing) wikis for other applications. I built both the UDXF Gateway and the SW Radiogram wiki (which are both hosted here), and now I've overhauled the wiki on the HF Underground site for pirate radio. You can find it here....

Some of this was already there, others were missing completely, and still more was there but badly inaccurate. Time for a little cleanup and expansion, and that's what has been done

Pirate radio is a little sub-hobby for MW, HF and FM (maybe even TV too) DXing hobby- you never know what you will hear, and given that they're not using 500kw stations and curtain arrays, hearing them can be a challenge, especially if you are on the West Coast. If you want something to spice up your listening, consider pirates.

I am still tweaking things here and there; one thing that is always needed is sources of current activity. We already have a page on that FAQ for it, but there can always be more. One such item is MW pirates - while it does seem the National Radio Club covers them, how about the International Radio Club of America (IRCA)? Do we have any members of the IRCA here that can answer this? How about FM pirates? Do we have any Worldwide TV FM DX Association (WTFDA) members here that can answer this?

Additions for the pirate wiki are solicited.....Mike
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