I have installed win500 on my vista pc and have had no issues, But I went to install it on my win7 laptop and when I enter the key it tells me the name or the key is invalid. I have tried typing it in and of course copy and past but no luck. I have also sent an email to starsoft for assistence but no reply just yet.
The windows 7 version that I have running in my laptop is the N version and that software is meant for overseas not for the US. So believe I have figured out my problem and not sure if there is a way around it. I was able to use the win500 trial version on the laptop with no issue, until it came time to enter the registration key. The only other solution is either format my pc with regular win 7 or do a dual boot option.
Due to a computer crash, cannot download Win500. It states it is not a valid file. Any suggestions. author states to come here, he only sells product, does not support paid versions.