SDS100/SDS200: Sentinel read from scanner issue

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Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Sentinel is my main workhorse for software. I'll use ARC 536 Pro for "pretty-ing up" alpha tags (I like upper case because they are easier on my old eyes).

I created a Favorites List with Sentinel, then read that FL with ARC. Tags were changed to upper case and written to the scanner. I verified the changes on the scanner itself.

When I read the "fancied up" FL with Sentinel, I got the File Changed message Copy and Replace on PC, which I said yes to. After doing the read, Sentinel insisted on displaying proper case rather than all caps as they actually were on the scanner. I did some messing around via the keypad and set an alert light to be different, just to force another change in the file. Sentinel still would not display those changes

However when I did some behind the scenes snooping and opened the actual HPD file using a text editor. All of the changes were there. For example a channel name in the HPD file might say "POLICE 1" but in the Sentinel display/mask/screen, it says "Police 1".

I believe there might be a glitch in the latest Sentinel. Prior to the latest revisions, I was able to edit x36 Favorites Lists with ARC and then read them into Sentinel with the changes being displayed correctly.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Well I've done some more work on this and have found the following:

1. Instead of Copying and Replacing, Sentinel Copied the changed Favorites Lists and saved them as whole new files. I think changing the FL name to upper case from proper case might have done that. It is understood that "abc" is seen by the computer as something completely different as "ABC". Still, why the Copy and Replace choice?

2. Also, for the similar named FLs, such as "F0 Jefferson County" (old) and "F0 JEFFERSON COUNTY" (changed), it turned the Monitor to Off for the old version and Monitor On for the new.

3. On one of the Favorites Lists, using Windows Explorer, a file modification date of 8/24, which is two days from now.

Bottom line, this behavior is different than what I'm used to on previous Sentinel versions, so that gives me suspicions something may be amiss.
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