AR-DV1 Butel Software

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May 2, 2005
New York City
I just downloaded the AOR DV-1 Software made by Butel. My question is how do I read my radio without a programming cable ? ?? Does Butel sell a cable to fit the AOR DV-1 ??

The software is still beta, and even with the full paid version, I am having problems reading from the radio to the program. The other way, things work fine--- that is from the program to the radio.


May 2, 2005
New York City
No it is not in beta anymore. Latest is 0.90 build2

Butel Software

Very nice Gommert. I will experiment more with the latest version (I have the full version)--- I was having some problems reading from the radio. Are you going to set up a thread here on the RR forums for the program? Or perhaps you prefer receiving email outlining potential issues?

One the I am having specifically is that when I read a bank from the radio, only the first 4 or 5 entries are showing up in the program. The other 20 or 30 in the bank are not coming across.

In terms of writing to the radio, the program is working fine. I am using 0.90, Build 2.

Thanks Gommert.

P.S. Your purchase page says the program is not availalble yet, that this is "Preorder", which is why I assumed it was still in beta. You might want to change that information on your ordering page.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2009
Central Jersey
Very nice Gommert. I will experiment more with the latest version (I have the full version)--- I was having some problems reading from the radio. Are you going to set up a thread here on the RR forums for the program? Or perhaps you prefer receiving email outlining potential issues?

One the I am having specifically is that when I read a bank from the radio, only the first 4 or 5 entries are showing up in the program. The other 20 or 30 in the bank are not coming across.

In terms of writing to the radio, the program is working fine. I am using 0.90, Build 2.

Thanks Gommert.

P.S. Your purchase page says the program is not availalble yet, that this is "Preorder", which is why I assumed it was still in beta. You might want to change that information on your ordering page.

Did you pull the trigger and purchase the AR-DV1?


May 2, 2005
New York City
Did you pull the trigger and purchase the AR-DV1?

Yes I did, with a 25 day return option. If you've followed some of my posts here over the past week or so, you know that I like the radio, although I did mention that it has a few quirks.

I used the trial version of the Butel software, but it was a bit limited, so I opted for the full version. As you likely read above, I'm having some minor issues with the software, and although Gommert advises that it is not "beta" anymore, I need to get more familiarized with the program as I suspect that it does not yet fully support all of the DV1's squelch functions, along with some of the radio's more exotic features.

I will attempt to list and email Gommert some of my observations later on today when I have some time, although I believe that starting a thread in the "Scanner Programming Software" board here on the forums would provide everyone with access to observations and solutions in a much more efficient and timely fashion.

So if you have any specific questions regarding the DV1 or the Butel program, please feel free to fire away, although I am certainly no expert on either---- yet.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2009
Central Jersey
Thanks Mike, I've been away from the AOR threads for several weeks, had to many quirky problems with my AR-DV1. I believe many of the problems were my failure to understand the receiver, and secondly my geographic location.

Location is even an issue with my x36HP's, can't do much about it unless I put up a tower!


May 2, 2005
New York City
Thanks Mike, I've been away from the AOR threads for several weeks, had to many quirky problems with my AR-DV1. I believe many of the problems were my failure to understand the receiver, and secondly my geographic location.

Location is even an issue with my x36HP's, can't do much about it unless I put up a tower!

Just like real estate, I guess the three magic elements of radio are 1) location, 2) location, and 3) location. Then again, the DV1 is not your father's receiver.

But enough with the cliches. This receiver has a number of idiosyncrasies, as most radios do. I think that those who followed Steve Sherman's comments and analysis of the receiver have a pretty good picture of most of the receiver's strengths and weaknesses. As Steve has pointed out, he has seen some improvement in the radio's operation, especially with the last firmware upgrade. Having had the radio for a much longer period of time, he is far more aware of the progress that has been made, as compared to myself. (Steve may very well be one of the first guys to have gotten the DV1 here in North America!)

In comparison, I've only had the receiver for several weeks, and I am in the process of getting a preselector for improved image rejection on shortwave here in the heart of midtown Manhattan, although I must say that the "front-end" of the radio is not getting completely overwhelmed and I am able to do some monitoring without one.

I was looking for a compact sized receiver that would fit into the small existing space I had available and the DV1 fits the bill in that respect. Sure, the buttons and the tuning dial are a little smaller than on the WJ-1000 that I am using at my friend's place, but then again, the DV1 is about 1/4 the size of the 1000.

I'll follow up once I've had a little more time to play with the radio.


May 2, 2005
New York City
For those with the DV1 (or anticipating its purchase), Butel's software program does a great job in programming memory channels, memory banks and search banks. Unless you plan on doing a lot of note-taking by hand with pen, paper and pad, the program is really necessary in getting the radio up and running quickly and efficiently.

There are a few questions I emailed Gommert at Butel about, and I wanted to share them here so that fellow users of the radio and the program can also see they are interfacing. Any comments are welcomed:

Using 0.90 build2 --- able to read and write to the receiver, except for Bank 0. The program appears to be reading the whole bank, but all that shows up are the first 3 or 4 entries. In addition, stops reading from the radio when Bank 0 fails. If reading other banks, the read from the radio to the program with no problem. Also no problem writing to the radio from the program. All writes fine, including Bank 0. Using latest version of Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Another question--- any idea when Squelch functions will be implemented into program for each channel? Also note that in your current build of the program one of the bandwidths you have is 2.4 when the radio is actually 2.6.


May 2, 2005
New York City

I sent a copy of my receiver file to Butel to see if they can replicate the issue that I am experiencing writing Bank 0 back from the radio to the program.

There are two other issues that I asked Gommert to look at. One involves the program not passing the final digit of certain frequencies to the radio, although you can program these frequencies directly into the radio. For example, within the program we have a frequency like 485.01875 --- even though it's shown that way in the program, and the receiver is capable of storing and displaying the frequency down to the final digit, when the program writes the frequency to the radio, it appears to write it to the radio as 485.0187, dropping off the final 5. I know that this is insignificant in terms of reception, but since the both the program and the receiver can handle the full frequency, there is no reason why the program should not pass it to the receiver.

The other issue I asked Gommert to explore is the Squelch settings within the program. The program allows for "All", "CTCSS" and "DCS". I'm not exactly sure what "All" is supposed to encompass, but besides CTCSS and DCS, the radio itself supports LSQ (Level Squelch) and NSQ (Noise Squelch) in both manual and Auto mode. I don't see any provision within the program to make those particular settings.

Those following this thread--- if you have the radio and either the demo or full version of the program, please take note and let me know if you are experiencing similar or different results with the program.



May 2, 2005
New York City
BUTEL Version 0.9 Build 3 Now Available

Butel has now updated the DV1 programming software to Version 0.9 Build 3.

Several bugs that I found in build 2 have been corrected, so good work by Gommert at Butel in getting the program working better with the receiver.

1) I was unable to read Bank 0 from the radio into the program. This has now been corrected and this works as it should.

2) The program is now importing the CTCSS (and presumably the DCS-- I haven't tested yet) tones found in the Radio Reference database into the program.

3) A minor bug in the program which showed 2.4 Khz in the drop-down box for IF bandwidth selection has been changed to the correct 2.6 Khz.

I will try to find some time during the weekend to play with the radio and the program a bit more. There are still a few items which I believe have to be tweaked in the program, but Build 3 is a good move forward.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 4, 2013
Santa Cruz, California
I just loaded build 3 too. I only have the Demo version.
I do not see where to enter the DMR color code, NAC code, repeater offset, LSQ NSQ modes etc.
Is that available on the paid version?
Keith WE6R
PS I have had not trouble up and downloading.


May 2, 2005
New York City
I just loaded build 3 too. I only have the Demo version.
I do not see where to enter the DMR color code, NAC code, repeater offset, LSQ NSQ modes etc.
Is that available on the paid version?
Keith WE6R
PS I have had not trouble up and downloading.

They are not available on the paid version yet either--- I've been in touch with Gommert at Butel trying to get some of the bugs worked out and getting some of the features implemented. Although he pointed out that the program is no longer in Beta, it still has a very "beta" feel to it.

Read the following post regarding some issues with Build 3.


May 2, 2005
New York City
DV1 -- Version 0.9 Build 3 Issues

Just sent a letter off to Butel to try to get some resolution of some bugs and also some feature enhancments. Here is a copy of my letter. Would appreciate if other users would confirm the issues. I'm running the full version on one machine and the demo on another, and both have the same problems.

(1) When naming banks, the indication is wrong-- tells you page 1 is for Banks 0-19 and tells you page 2 is for banks 10-39. Also, on the second page, after Bank 27, the bank numbers are all skewed and out of proper order.

(2) Mentioned last time--- radio and program capable or reading down to final digit, for example 14.15005, but program cannot send that info to the radio. Program can read it from the radio, but not write it to the radio.

3) Any chance to you will make the setting for NR (Noise Reduction) available as a selection in the programs menu?

Still looking over the program--- will reach out if I find more bugs. Thanks.


May 2, 2005
New York City
I just loaded build 3 too. I only have the Demo version.
I do not see where to enter the DMR color code, NAC code, repeater offset, LSQ NSQ modes etc.
Is that available on the paid version?
Keith WE6R
PS I have had not trouble up and downloading.

P.S. I might also suggest Keith that you follow up with your own inquiry to Butel, which you can do with the contact form on their home page located here:

Butel Software

I think the more folks that show an interest in the program for the AOR AR-DV1, the quicker some of these issues will get resolved.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 4, 2013
Santa Cruz, California
I did get a response from Butel about additional fields for color code etc. They said they will be added later but I believe they are waiting for AOR to provide them via I/O access.... Keith


Premium Subscriber
May 10, 2007
Cerritos, CA (LA County)
Went over to AOR in Torrance yesterday (20 min from my house) and spoke with Taka for about 45 min.
Went to have an AR8200 MKIII mod to the (D) version with built in P25, USB, CTCSS/DCS, and record.
Taka and I spoke about the AR-DV1 at some length. Told him that I was pleased with the latest update (as I have posted elsewhere). Think he said that MStep had just spoke to him by phone. Taka been getting quite a few calls from folks like us.
According to Taka: Sales of DV1 going well, much more so in Europe and Japan than in USA. Taka acknowledged that the government was their big market, much more than 90%. He said he appreciated all our support as scanner/receiver enthusiasts, but we make up the minority of purchasers.
Firmware updates are still going to be coming. AOR in Japan busy with some other project until early March. Then they will be working on 6.25 Khz NXDN and Phase 2 P25. They expect that to be doable with FW updates. Taka said he will be in contact with Gommert at Butel for further cooperation in improving software.
Finally, Taka told me that the AR-DV1 is the de facto (de facto is my interpretation of his comments) replacement for the AR8600 series. I asked him specifically if buying the AR8600 series is a good idea at this point for anybody, and he said, they would be better off with the AR-DV1. AOR still plans on doing a lot more work to improve the receiver. For us, but mostly for their big commercial market.
That's the latest "straight from the horse's mouth" update on the AR-DV1.

Steve AA6IO
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