Operan en Puerto Rico empresas belicas...

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Jan 4, 2006
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Operan en la Isla empresas bélicas
Compañías de seguridad contratadas por el Pentágono reclutan personal, realizan negocios y utilizan aeropuertos en el País.

Por Yanira Hernández Cabiya / yhernandez@elnuevodia.com

Al menos tres de las empresas privadas contratadas por el Pentágono para proveer seguridad en Irak y otras zonas de guerra, incluyendo la controversial Blackwater USA, han utilizado a Puerto Rico como parte de sus operaciones, según informes obtenidos por El Nuevo Día.

Sheri Leonard, oficial de reclutamiento de la compañía de contratistas de guerra DynCorp International, confirmó que la empresa tiene una campaña en Puerto Rico para reclutar personal que se integre a una fuerza de seguridad privada en la volátil frontera entre Israel y Líbano.

Además, DynCorp International tiene en el aeropuerto de Aguadilla, y junto al Gobierno de Puerto Rico, una empresa de reparación de helicópteros decomisados por el Ejército de Estados Unidos para enviarlos a países en guerra, como Irak y Afganistán.

El negocio opera bajo el nombre de Dyn Puerto Rico y el gobierno local tiene el 51% de las acciones, confirmó el secretario de Estado de la Isla, Fernando Bonilla. Entre los objetivos corporativos de Dyn Puerto Rico figura “ofrecer logística para cumplir con los compromisos con el Departamento de la Defensa de Estados Unidos”, según documentos de la compañía.

Mientras, aeronaves de Aviation Worldwide Services, una subsidiaria de Blackwater USA, han utilizado el aeropuerto de Aguadilla al menos en dos ocasiones, según bitácoras de vuelo de ambas naves suministradas a El Nuevo Día por una fuente que prefiere no ser identificada.

Las dos naves, con los registros NB65BW y BN966BW, aterrizaron en Puerto Rico en junio de 2006 como parte de gestiones para la Agencia Central de Inteligencia de Estados Unidos (CIA, por sus siglas en inglés). No se informó dónde se originó el vuelo de las naves, ni el propósito de su visita a Puerto Rico, aunque se supo que poco antes habían estado en las Islas Turcas y Caicos y en la República Dominicana.

Desde la semana pasada, el gobierno del primer ministro de Irak, Nuri al-Maliki, intenta expulsar a Blackwater USA del país luego de que efectivos de la empresa mataran nueve civiles e hirieran 15 en un incidente en el que, al parecer, usaron fuerza excesiva.

Otra empresa con operaciones en la Isla es Military Professional Resources, encargada de los entrenamientos del Cuerpo de Oficiales de la Reserva del Ejército (ROTC) en varias instituciones educativas, como la Universidad de Puerto Rico, mediante contrato con las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos.

Tras la controversia desatada por la pesquisa contra Blackwater USA, diferentes organizaciones no gubernamentales han llamado la atención sobre las resbalosas reglas de juego que aplican a estas empresas de seguridad privada, que no están sujetas a las estrictas regulaciones de los ejércitos regulares y que muy a menudo son objeto de denuncias de abusos.

Para su reclutamiento en Puerto Rico, DynCorp colocó un anuncio en la página de internet de una reconocida empresa de búsqueda de empleos e indica que los interesados deben enviar sus resumés a la empresa matriz para ser evaluados.

*I'm sorry this is only in spanish but I could not find this info in English


Sep 12, 2004
Western Leavenworth Co., KS
Basically it's a newspaper story saying that Blackwater USA and a couple of other private security outfits that often contract with the pentagon have a presence (and some are recruiting) in Puerto Rico. A couple of planes said to be registered to a CIA front organization were also seen in PR. They go on to mention recent Iraqi acusations against Blackwater, etc.

The only thing that surprised me was discovering that ROTC instruction at numerous colleges and universities, including the U. of P.R., is being handled nowadays by some of these contract corporations and their personnel rather than by the Army, Navy and AF themselves.

Bob, w0nxn
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Jan 4, 2006
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Hello Friends:

Thank you for the basicaly telling it in English...
but the sad part of all this is that every time
some like this happens...we end up paying it in blood!!!
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Jan 4, 2006
San Juan, Puerto Rico
rankin39 said:
The only thing that surprised me was discovering that ROTC instruction at numerous colleges and universities, including the U. of P.R., is being handled nowadays by some of these contract corporations and their personnel rather than by the Army, Navy and AF themselves.

Bob, w0nxn

Well , Bob I found this I am very surpriced now:

Military Professional Resources Incorporated (MPRI) is a private military contractor, founded in 1987 by eight ex-officers of the United States Army. The firm is based in Alexandria, Virginia. It was acquired by L-3 Communications in June 2000. In 2004 it became a father-company to Civilian Police International, based in Leesburg, Virginia.

MPRI has its private troops running Army recruitment centers across the country, training U.S. soldiers, serving as additional re-enforcements in U.S. bases in Korea, and training foreign armies from Kuwait to South Africa. The Virginia-based firm is led by retired General Carl Vuono, who served as Army chief of staff during the Gulf War and the U.S. invasion of Panama. Other top executives are General Crosbie E. Saint, former commander of the U.S. Army in Europe; Lt. General Harry E. Soyster, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency; and General Ron Griffith, former Army vice chief of staff. This concentration of experience makes MPRI and other firms like it very politically influential. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell described General Vuono as "one of my dearest friends."[1]

MPRI provides a wide range of services to both public and private customers, most notably the United States Department of Defense. MPRI specializes in various professions such as law enforcement, security, military training, logistics, etc. By its own account MPRI operates in over 40 countries. MPRI is a member of International Peace Operations Association


Jul 31, 2007
Central TX
Typical BS from PR's newspapers

Rafael, Bob :

I don't see anything wrong with DoD contractors doing business in P.R.. Everywhere there is a US military installation, you will find a DoD contractor doing business, that's what they get hire for, take care of a task for "X" amount of money/time. Apparently this is new to yhernandez@elnuevodia.com and shows the lack of research/knowledge on her part.

No one is being forced to work for these companies, so if they don't like it, they can walk away and go work somewhere else. Most of the civilians that go over there, do it for the pay. Try making +$100,000 a year with a high school diploma in P.R, yeah I know how, it is called drug smuggling.

Am I missing the point of the article?

Ok blackwater is in trouble, more BS, ask any veteran what would he have done in a situation like that. This is the same reason our soldiers get killed every day, F***ing politics. yhernandez@elnuevodia.com, let me remind you something, we are at war, we are not dancing salsa in Irak, it is kill or be killed.

As a kid, I used to be a paperboy for this newspaper. Back then, it used to be very professional, not any more, this article sounds like it came from "el vocero" if you know what I mean. Shame on you "El nuevo Dia" www.endi.com

Rant is over, back to my radio...BTW I will email this to yhernandez@elnuevodia.com
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