This is my last listing for the Mini PCs I've picked up over the years. I originally bought this to be a primary desktop machine for my use, but never switched over to it from the laptop I'm using now.
This one comes with 32gb of RAM installed and has a practically brand new 2TB "gaming class" M.2 SSD drive I put in it. It also includes the external WIFI antenna and the original power adapter. It's in excellent shape with tons of USB3 ports, built in ethernet/Wi-Fi, and support for two monitors with Display Port & HDMI outputs. It will come with a clean install of Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro (whichever you prefer). It activates via the digital license on the motherboard, so it can run either one.
Asking $200 shipped with insurance for this one. This would make a wonderful operational rig for someone looking for a good desktop with a good amount of storage. I can accept PayPal (F&F payments preferred); Venmo, Zelle, CashApp
This one comes with 32gb of RAM installed and has a practically brand new 2TB "gaming class" M.2 SSD drive I put in it. It also includes the external WIFI antenna and the original power adapter. It's in excellent shape with tons of USB3 ports, built in ethernet/Wi-Fi, and support for two monitors with Display Port & HDMI outputs. It will come with a clean install of Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro (whichever you prefer). It activates via the digital license on the motherboard, so it can run either one.
Asking $200 shipped with insurance for this one. This would make a wonderful operational rig for someone looking for a good desktop with a good amount of storage. I can accept PayPal (F&F payments preferred); Venmo, Zelle, CashApp