PSR-500/600 1.5 firmware released

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Jun 17, 2003
Franktown, CO
Latest release of PSR-500/600 "CPU F1.5" Firmware has been released.

CPU Production Firmware Version 1.5 release notes:

- This is the user loadable version of the Factory 1.5 CPU firmware.
Will display as "uP Appl Ver:U1.5" after loading and is identical to
the factory "F1.5" load.

- Please use with DSP version 1.2 or higher, otherwise some features
may not operate properly

New features:

* Per FCC approval, changed 700 MHz frequency tunable range to:
764000000 MHz - 805996875 MHz
(all on 3.125 kHz steps)

* Changed 700 MHz ranges in Public Safety Search and Sweeper to:
764000000 MHz - 766996875 MHz
769000000 MHz - 775996875 MHz
794000000 MHz - 796996875 MHz
799000000 MHz - 805996875 MHz
(all on 3.125 kHz steps)

* Added "connect tone" display to M36 analyze mode, alternating
with other data (QQ% SID:xxxx Syy).

* Added "OmniLink" 6-char site name to M36 Analyze mode alternating
with other data (QQ% SID:xxxx Syy).

* Added "RadioIDAlert" item to FUNC+GLOB menu. If set, then we'll
show the private TGRP's alert when:
a. showing a group call.
b. showing the private TGRP's tag on line for for the radio ID.
c. private TGRP's "LED Color" is non-zero (the default 'off').
d. new menu item enabled.

Fixes / Enhancements:

* Fixed missing 'DG' display for digital trunked VCs (bug that
was introduced in F1.4).

* Fixed P25 CC analyze problem with system ID info (bug that was
introduced in F1.4).

* Added timeout to trunking analysis results in TUNE mode, so
spurious false detects (esp. Mot 3600 low-speed) won't cause
persistent display of trunking data.

* Fixed issue where occasionally, pressing MAN while in SCAN mode
would not go to the last active object.

* Fixed problem when multi-scanning some EDACS systems.

* Swapped Source vs Target Radio IDs in handling of EDACS
"I-Calls" per customer reports.

* Un-swap (version 1.4) source and destination radio IDs when showing a
Private Call Wild Card where the source ID was locked out.

* Fixed search modes possibly skipping a freq while paused, if
zeromatic is turned on. While waiting for unmute delay, we were
checking zeromatic even if paused.

* Added additional qualification to storing polled P25 NAC. We
only store it if:
the new NAC is non-zero, OR
we don't already have a NAC value, OR
the NAC value we already have is zero


For users that have VHF trunked systems which utilize 5 kHz
centers, the following changes were made:

* Allow 5 kHz steps between 138 MHz and 174 MHz. These are
enabled with a new menu item in FUNC+GLOB.
If not turned on, use the 'normal' steps.
If turned on, 5 kHz steps are used in ALL modes.
CONV objects created in one "mode" will tune based on the
"active mode" - that is, if you create a CONV object 138.005 MHz
with the feature enabled, the radio will tune to 138.000 MHz if
the the feature is not enabled (although 138.005 will be displayed)

* Changed default receive mode for 138 MHz to 144 MHz to AM if the new
"5 kHz" feature is disabled in the FUNC+GLOB menu (default).

* Changed default rx mode for 138 MHz to 144 MHz to FM, if the new
"5 kHz" feature is enabled in the FUNC+GLOB menu.
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Senior Member
Database Admin
Nov 22, 2001
Northwest NJ

Connect tone data!!!

When are they going to get this thing to make breakfast for us? :lol:

Update - playing around for the last 15 minutes, I've noticed the decode rate of RadioID's on Moto 3600 systems has improved as well...
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Sep 29, 2006
Lakewood, Colorado

This update has corrected the problem of not scanning between ESK enabled EDACS systems and non-ESK systems. (Wouldn't scan the ESK system when both were enabled) Thanks GRE!


Jan 12, 2004
Tabernacle, NJ
The RadioID alert feature is awesome too...just saw it work with my township's ambulance. This scanner just has it all lol, great job again by GRE.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Awesome job GRE! The PSR-500 has quickly become my fav scanner!


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
New Orleans, LA
Great job GRE! Keep up the great work.

Listening to customers = great customer service.

The more "non-customers" see the enjoyment of those with your product, the more they will become your customers!

A couple of more ideas I already sent them, that you guys may want to "lobby" for them :)

- Emergency button alert (on a per-TG basis) enabling a Snap-To Talkgroup for an Emergency Signal.

- An option for Enabling a Snap-To Talkgroup for Patches to "snap-to" the master talkgroup for a patch when seen on the control channel.

Since this data is already in the CC stream...

Again, thanks GRE!

-- Kevin


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
- An option for Enabling a Snap-To Talkgroup for Patches to "snap-to" the master talkgroup for a patch when seen on the control channel.
Dealing with patches is somewhat difficult. The only time you can accurately analyze and react to patching is when you are dedicated to a single control channel. Using the STAT mode could possibly result in missed patch announcements also since the time spent on another CC could be the time a separate CC is announcing the members.

So I wouldn't plan on seeing any type of support for patching when scanning more than one different object. Though it would be nice if the radio displayed the TG as part of a Patch (or MSEL, etc).

On the other hand, with EDACS it's a little easier as the patch announcements are done at a consistent announcement interval, and often; it's a possibility to support though if dwell is set to 0 it could be an issue. Motorola systems seem to have variable time when it comes to announcing a patch. And they'll announce the members and then that's it until the cycle restarts. When watching a Moto 3600 system with TREPORT you can see the how patches are announced to get an idea what I mean.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
New Orleans, LA
Dealing with patches is somewhat difficult. The only time you can accurately analyze and react to patching is when you are dedicated to a single control channel. Using the STAT mode could possibly result in missed patch announcements also since the time spent on another CC could be the time a separate CC is announcing the members.

So I wouldn't plan on seeing any type of support for patching when scanning more than one different object. Though it would be nice if the radio displayed the TG as part of a Patch (or MSEL, etc).

On the other hand, with EDACS it's a little easier as the patch announcements are done at a consistent announcement interval, and often; it's a possibility to support though if dwell is set to 0 it could be an issue. Motorola systems seem to have variable time when it comes to announcing a patch. And they'll announce the members and then that's it until the cycle restarts. When watching a Moto 3600 system with TREPORT you can see the how patches are announced to get an idea what I mean.

I know what you are saying, but the option to use it would be great... Especially if only listening to one system, or one CC, etc.

When you warn that "could possibly result in missed patch announcements"... well, I don't always get to hear what I want now, and this option would let me.

Two scenarios:

I am scanning one site, one CC. In my scanlist, I have TG A and TG B. The dispatcher multi-selects those two, and TG C. The dispatcher sets it up where TG C is the master group. I then just missed the broadcast. If the option I woud like to see is enabled, the PSR recognizes that my TG is in the list of groups that I always want to hear when a member of a patch.


Same situation, just monitoring a single TG, say A, and it is a member of of some patch (that I am obviously not scanning)

I may not have all of it fully correct, but from what I have observed with the way the data is presented on the CC, and my very limited experiences with a dispatch console, this should be a feasible option to add for those who would like to use it.

I know that there could be some problems, as you say, but they would really not be problems - just a "no guarantee of performance" as they do with radio ID display.

What do you think, Wayne?

-- Kevin


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2005
Polk County FL
I updated my radio a few mints ago and works good. I do not get a connect tone for EDACS system. I have to try the radioIDalert and don't see noting on it is that the numbers that show on the bottom right? if so than I see that #. I see the SID #'s change when I'm on a CC wonder if anyone else is getting that.
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Sep 15, 2003
Oakland County Michigan
A couple of more ideas I already sent them, that you guys may want to "lobby" for them :)

- Emergency button alert (on a per-TG basis) enabling a Snap-To Talkgroup for an Emergency Signal.

- An option for Enabling a Snap-To Talkgroup for Patches to "snap-to" the master talkgroup for a patch when seen on the control channel.

Since this data is already in the CC stream...

Again, thanks GRE!

-- Kevin

On P25 systems, the emergency alert isn't sent in the same way as it is on 3600 systems. On the control channel, it's only shown on the initial voice grant (and only on the radio that has the button pressed), and not in the update messages, so it's not that easy to do unless you're constantly monitoring the control channel. You could use the RadioID feature on a P25 system to get an idea of how likely a feature like this would work.

As far as patches are concerned on a P25 system, the patch announcements are sent on a regular basis. As Wayne pointed out in his example, waiting to see if there are any patch announcements requires extra time spend monitoring the control channel to see if the talkgroup in question is patched. One time this might be nice, would be when you are in Manual or Pause mode on a talkgroup, and it gets patched into another. Otherwise in normal scan mode, it probably wouldn't really even be noticable.



Aug 21, 2006
Chicago, IL.
I haven't installed the latest firmware or updated my Win500 yet. But, I am leaving work early to go get the ball rolling. Kudos as always to GRE....I KNOW you are reading and listening to us. And a big thanks to Don and Mike for the software that stays right there with the releases. All of you are amazing and I am very, very grateful!!!!!

Wishlist: Status bits?... and ability to turn on/off?.........
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