• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

EF Johnson Radios

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Jan 9, 2004
Ringgold, Georgia
I'm curious, how much do EF Johnson 800MHz capable radios go for, like the 5100 series portables? I ask because most Motorola XTS 2500 series radios are in the $2,300 to $2,600 range, give or take a hundred or two. The XTS 5000 series cost about $4,000. An agency that's linking up to the local trunked system (Motorola SmatrZone 3600 baud mixed-mode) is buying EF Johnson radios and will use digital voice on the Motorola system and it's said that the EF Johnsons' are less expensive and have more included features.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
I can't recall the prices offhand but they are several hundreds of dollars less per radio for the same features. Enough where an agency that requires low bids may end up with the EFJs.
In CT, the corrections department has them for the DOC conventional system. There are several radios that have access to the CSP digital TRS and therefore have the P25 & trunking options.



Nov 26, 2004
Just my 2 cents, but check with agencies who have had them for awhile. A military installation near me had motorola products on their UHF trunking system, switched to EFJ, and then recently switched back to M. The end users (FD/Security) had nothing but problems with EFJ. Poor sound quality, shutting down on their own, poor reception etc. As soon as they switched back to M, the problems went away.
I don't want to see an agency end up with something that could put our public safety personnel in harms way. Granted, the EFJ equipment they had was purchased about 4 years ago, and may have improved since then, just be carefula ndtalk to current users.

Best of luck!!
Just my 2 cents.


Jun 4, 2006
I use alot of EF Johnson Radios All day Long .Never Had a Probelm With the Radios . Motorola Is getting out of the 2-way business. Right now Motorola Is working with EF Johnson . Motorola Is talking to EF Johnson about takeing over the 2-way Service and Setup for Motorola . Just the Info I had that Came From a Motorola Tech . There are a Few Motorola Tech's that went to EF Johnson . Anyway Just My Thoughts .



Feb 19, 2006

Any information on the radios, and when they are going to be sent back to me I have sent you numerous messenger since November 19th and I still have no response from you. Please contact me ASAP.



Oct 9, 2006
Inside of the circuit....
I have personally seen two agencies purchase, then dump, the EFJ radios. I can't quite recall the issues that they had, but they were certainly show-stoppers. Additionally, the look, feel, and operation of the EFJ radios is far inferior to comparable Motorola products. The Motorola radios are certainly worth the extra few hundred dollars that will be spent on the radios.

As far as Motorola getting out of the two-way business, I have many close contacts in Motorola and have not heard anything to that end. With Motorola continually bringing out new products (ASTRO systems, base stations, subscribers, TETRA systems, etc.) I would not say that they are anywhere close to dumping it (plus, there's still a LOT of post-9/11 grant money being shelled out - not to mention the windfall of 800 MHz rebanding). The only relationship that Motorola had with EFJ was when they allowed EFJ to produce SmartNet and SmartZone radios and gave them several thousand RF boards to use in the radios. That relationship has since ended and all ties cut with EFJ.


Retired 0598 Czar ÆS Ø
Dec 19, 2002
South FL


Dec 21, 2004
Our city recently had the opportunity to test some EFJ 5100 series radios on our 10 channel, single site smart net trunking system. Our city is only 30 square miles and the 300 foot tower sits on the highest point in the city. It is 15 feet above sea level. The city is very flat. We do have some marginal coverage on the city fringes with talking back to the site with portables but we have %100 coverage with mobiles. Using portables or mobiles, we have never had a problem with them losing the control channel and going out of range.

Our boss wanted to test the EFJ radios as they were about $400 cheaper that the motorola radios. We got 5 portables to test. The saleman brought them in and she said they were all programmed for our system. I asked about the system key. She said what's that. Oh this is going to be fun. From the time we requested test radios to actual test time was at least a month.

We gave out the five portables to different departments. With in a week, all five portables were back in our shop. I can only repeat the comments that are fit for this forum. The nicest comment was "Please take this piece of junk back and give me my old Motorola radio back."

The major complaint was the EFJ would just randomly go out of range.
On the hip and in a vehicle, 2.4 miles from the transmitter site, it would randomly go out of range.
As a technician, I carried a test portable. Twice, without being touched, it changed talk groups by it's self.

The test radios did not meet our requirements to be used on our system.
This was our expierence with EFJ radios.


Jun 4, 2006
portsmouth said:
Our city recently had the opportunity to test some EFJ 5100 series radios on our 10 channel, single site smart net trunking system. Our city is only 30 square miles and the 300 foot tower sits on the highest point in the city. It is 15 feet above sea level. The city is very flat. We do have some marginal coverage on the city fringes with talking back to the site with portables but we have %100 coverage with mobiles. Using portables or mobiles, we have never had a problem with them losing the control channel and going out of range.

Our boss wanted to test the EFJ radios as they were about $400 cheaper that the motorola radios. We got 5 portables to test. The saleman brought them in and she said they were all programmed for our system. I asked about the system key. She said what's that. Oh this is going to be fun. From the time we requested test radios to actual test time was at least a month.

We gave out the five portables to different departments. With in a week, all five portables were back in our shop. I can only repeat the comments that are fit for this forum. The nicest comment was "Please take this piece of junk back and give me my old Motorola radio back."

The major complaint was the EFJ would just randomly go out of range.
On the hip and in a vehicle, 2.4 miles from the transmitter site, it would randomly go out of range.
As a technician, I carried a test portable. Twice, without being touched, it changed talk groups by it's self.

The test radios did not meet our requirements to be used on our system.
This was our expierence with EFJ radios.

I have the 5100 Portables and the 5300 ef johnson radios . i've never had a problem with coverage , or radio changing talkgroups on it own . Are Radios are Flashed for Mult-Net With P25 , the system we have hear is 800 MHz . Only thing we did to are Portables is that the antennas on the portables where not that good , so we changed the antennas to a larson antennas . we have the portables on are belt and we use speaker Mic's on them . I think the EF Johnson Radios Are Grate . The 5100 Prtables are the Same as the Motorola XTS-5000 Portables . The EF Johnson 5300 Mobile is the same as the Motorola XTL-5000 Mobiles . The EFJ-5100 / 5300 Where made by Motorola for EF Johnson .I also have a EFJ-5100 P25 UHF Radio and a EFJ-5300 UHF P25 Mobile that I use on the Ham Bands . I got rid of all my Motorola Gear .I use P25 on the Ham Bands . Works grate there Also .

anyway just my to cents .


APCO Member
EF Johnson Radio Tech
Motorola Radio Tech
ARRL Member
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