Finding store frequencies (Walmart, Baby Monitors, Malls, Drive Thru, ect.)

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Feb 13, 2016
Seattle, WA
I've read over some of the threads about Walmart frequencies but the more I read the more questions I have. I want to know what I need prepared to go to a parking lot of a store or mall and scan for employees talking. It seems that every Walmart for example has similar frequencies but can be using different bands and frequencies depending on the store. I want to learn how to do this and be able to be prepared with frequencies programmed into my scanner and have the right antenna. From what I understand I will need all these frequencies pre-programmed into my scanner before I can connect and listen. Is there a way for me to just scan from the parking lot without programming the frequencies into my scanner first and discover new frequencies that way? I want to try this with baby monitors and other stores also, not just Walmart.

I have a decent understanding about how to program frequencies into my scanner as long as I know the exact frequency first (both manually & with software). I just don't fully understand how to find a frequency of a store (or any other frequency) if I don't know the exact frequency they're using and program it in first. Is the process best done by putting in a certain range of frequencies into a talk group & then scanning that talk group until I find a signal?

I live in King County & have a Pro-651 with a RS 800MHz antenna. My scanner is still 2 days away in the mail at this time so I haven't ever even used one yet. :)


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
It might be easier to search the commonly used frequency ranges like 151-161 and 450-470 instead of trying to program individual frequencies.

Most stores use the same frequencies. The commonly used ones are listed at Stores - The RadioReference Wiki and Common Itinerant and Business - The RadioReference Wiki. Sometimes they are listed in the database on each county page.

Some stores are licensed for nationwide mobile operation at 2 or 4 watts. Some stores are licensed by each location. You can search for the licenses and frequencies used at FCC General Menu Reports 3.1.14 October 7, 2010 or License Search - Advanced License Search or from the main database page on RadioReference (scroll down to Search FCC Data). There is also a FCC Licenses tab on each county page in the database. You can turn off the public safety licenses and only see the business ones for your county like this (note that some types of nationwide or mobile only licenses will not show up here). A lot of the licenses will be for the frequencies on the wiki pages linked in the paragraph above.

Some stores use common consumer FRS or MURS radios which don't require licensing or are illegally using GMRS or other frequencies without being licensed.

All the freqeuncies available for licensing to businesses in the US are shown at
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2004
Northeast PA
This is what the "CloseCall" feature on many Uniden scanners is for. On my mobile BCT15, CloseCall hits are nonstop every time I'm near a mall, shopping center, etc.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2008
Store monitoring

Most Wal-Mart and Sam's Clubs in my area use the same two MURS frequencies. There are two basic sets for Targets (again, my area) and you can easily find them with a Google or RR search. This is common p[ractice for some large chains. As mentioned the search, close call, or Signal Stalker (GRE, RS, and Whistler scanners) can be helpful.
Oct 27, 2010
Southern California
I agree with ND5Y, scan the two bands he said. In Oxnard call. Walmart use the green dot channel or red dot MURS. I live a mile away and can monitor them, what a life right?

De kg6wxe Dana


Feb 13, 2016
Seattle, WA
Sounds like siginal stalker will be helpful. I was wondering if that feature would work. I'll also try programming in common frequencies first. I think this will make more sense when I can actually try it in my scanner.

Will my RS 800MHz antenna be able to pick up baby monitors also or do I need a telescopic antenna to get frequencies that low?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk


Feb 13, 2016
Seattle, WA
It might be easier to search the commonly used frequency ranges like 151-161 and 450-470 instead of trying to program individual frequencies.[/url]

nd5y thanks for posting all the helpful links. What is the process for searching the most commonly used frequency ranges like 151-161 or 450-470 instead of programming individual frequencies? This is an area that I don't quite fully understand yet. I understand that places like Walmart commonly use the 151-161 channels but I don't understand how I set my scanner up to scan only the 151-161 range to find an active channel. Is it also possible to set my scanner to only scan the 151-161 frequencies and the 450-470 frequencies at the same time?

I'm trying to get a general idea how to do this and can do the research how to set it up on my Pro-651 as I know not everyone isn't familiar with exactly how each individual scanner is programmed.


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX


Nov 21, 2014
One can only hope the OP is a newbie and confused. Intentionally scanning baby monitors might be the desire of a stalker, kidnapper, or other freak looking to get arrested in short order.

Scanning WalMart of other commercial stores might best be done by looking up the WalMart (you'll have to know the correct legal spelling of the business name) of the FCC ULS web site, and then monitoring the frequencies that they have been assigned. These might be assigned in common for all 50 states, or in groups per geographic area.

But scanning baby monitors? Really? Doesn't that creep anyone out?


Feb 13, 2016
Seattle, WA
One can only hope the OP is a newbie and confused. Intentionally scanning baby monitors might be the desire of a stalker, kidnapper, or other freak looking to get arrested in short order.

The only thing that creeps me out is you suggesting stalker & kidnapper because I want to know how to use my scanner. That's where your mind went on the topic, not mine. It doesn't require a scanner to become a dirt bag. If I had any immoral or illegal intentions such as your suggestions I wouldn't be ignorant enough to ask about them on the internet.


Feb 15, 2009
Cheese country
WalMart on MURS

As indicated earlier by jaspence and oldradioguy2010, WalMart typically uses MURS and that is certainly the case will all of theWalMarts around me. This means that you WON'T be able to find them in the FCC ULS - it is an unlicensed service and they are perfectly legal as long as they use the proper radios. There are only 5 frequencies to monitor, so it's pretty easy to program these 5 in and start listening. I have heard that there are a few other businesses that also use MURS, too, so it's a good use of a few channels.

Some companies also use FRS/GMRS. The legality of that is a different story, but it's another handful of frequencies that will quickly get you started with your new monitor.

Good luck and have fun in your new hobby.


Feed Provider
May 31, 2002
Eastern Ohio
I've read over some of the threads about Walmart frequencies but the more I read the more questions I have. I want to know what I need prepared to go to a parking lot of a store or mall and scan for employees talking. It seems that every Walmart for example has similar frequencies but can be using different bands and frequencies depending on the store. I want to learn how to do this and be able to be prepared with frequencies programmed into my scanner and have the right antenna. From what I understand I will need all these frequencies pre-programmed into my scanner before I can connect and listen. Is there a way for me to just scan from the parking lot without programming the frequencies into my scanner first and discover new frequencies that way? I want to try this with baby monitors and other stores also, not just Walmart.
When I go sit in the WalMart parking lot all night I take a 6 pack of A&W Root Beer and a large bag of cheese popcorn........:D.........My favorite is to go to McDonalds. I get 2 Lg fries and a chocolate milkshake and listen to people order Big Macs and happy meals....:roll:
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Nov 21, 2014
There's a difference between wanting to know how to use a scanner, and wanted to know how to scan the local baby monitors. How ot avoid scanning them, sure. But how to scan them? That comes across like saying you want to know how to bug telephones, so you can make sure you don't accidentally do it.

But by all means, you tell me. What conceivable legal, moral, ethical, or laudable purpose do you have in listening in to local baby scanners, overhearing either wailing babies or private and perhaps intimate personal conversations? Maybe I'm just not seeing it, sure. Or maybe you're a PhD candidate doing some field research in the child-rearing habits of the local primates?

And of course, maybe you just hadn't heard, but unless you're really close to them, meaning, in the neighboring apartment or "patrolling" the streets, baby monitors are normally very low power transmitters. So you're not going to receive many of them--unless you're really trying to.


Feb 13, 2016
Seattle, WA
When I go sit in the WalMart parking lot all night I take a 6 pack of A&W Root Beer and a large bag of cheese popcorn........:D.........My favorite is to go to McDonalds. I get 2 Lg fries and a chocolate milkshake and listen to people order Big Macs and happy meals....:roll:

This is exactly the lifestyle I dreamed of when I purchased a scanner.


Dec 19, 2002
Corbett, OR USA
What conceivable legal, moral, ethical, or laudable purpose do you have in listening in to local baby scanners,
overhearing either wailing babies or private and perhaps intimate personal conversations?

We listen for possible ISIS use of baby monitors.
We do our part to keep America safe.


Jul 8, 2002
Looks like you have done your research

And a Walmart / BJ's / Costco is a good place to LEARN how to Search for new Targets (Something newer listeners seem to be lost at, as the new scanners are Pre-Loaded)

First is to identify the Target's Band of Operaton
a. Take a shopping trip and see what the radio looks like (Make/Model/Antenna Length)
b. Search the FCC - by Company Name, then narrow down to State/County (some might have a nationwide license - so check Corp HQ) - do a search by Lat/Lon as the mailing might be in one state, but the users location is near-by.
c. Check the Forums and the Internet (RR - DB, RR-Wiki, SNE, Yahoogroups etc)
d. Look for Blogs, there are folks who have found most of the Common Fleet info for the bigger box stores.

Second is program up the scanner.
a. Put in the Target's channels (PL/DPL Search)
b. Add the FRS, GMRS Pairings as well
c. Add the Itinerant (Blue Dot, Green Star etc) VHF and UHF
d. MURS Channels
e. Program search options (Some older Scanners can do multiple limits)
f. Don't forget the inputs, some Companies use the 456-460, 465-470 inputs as simplex

Welcome to the hobby, this is good practice to learn how to On-Site, for other venues.
Concerts, Sporting Events, Transient events (Circus, Marathons, Fairs etc)

Now, remember some of the Frequencies your radio can listen to, are Illegal to do so.
Hit your local library and see if they have one of the last Police Call guides, read up on some of the monitoring topics in the wiki and then after doing that, if you still have questions... ASK...:cool:

I've read over some of the threads about Walmart frequencies but the more I read the more questions I have. I want to know what I need prepared to go to a parking lot of a store or mall and scan for employees talking. It seems that every Walmart for example has similar frequencies but can be using different bands and frequencies depending on the store. I want to learn how to do this and be able to be prepared with frequencies programmed into my scanner and have the right antenna. From what I understand I will need all these frequencies pre-programmed into my scanner before I can connect and listen. Is there a way for me to just scan from the parking lot without programming the frequencies into my scanner first and discover new frequencies that way? I want to try this with baby monitors and other stores also, not just Walmart.

I have a decent understanding about how to program frequencies into my scanner as long as I know the exact frequency first (both manually & with software). I just don't fully understand how to find a frequency of a store (or any other frequency) if I don't know the exact frequency they're using and program it in first. Is the process best done by putting in a certain range of frequencies into a talk group & then scanning that talk group until I find a signal?

I live in King County & have a Pro-651 with a RS 800MHz antenna. My scanner is still 2 days away in the mail at this time so I haven't ever even used one yet. :)


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 29, 2006
One can only hope the OP is a newbie and confused. Intentionally scanning baby monitors might be the desire of a stalker, kidnapper, or other freak looking to get arrested in short order.

Scanning WalMart of other commercial stores might best be done by looking up the WalMart (you'll have to know the correct legal spelling of the business name) of the FCC ULS web site, and then monitoring the frequencies that they have been assigned. These might be assigned in common for all 50 states, or in groups per geographic area.

But scanning baby monitors? Really? Doesn't that creep anyone out?
Baby monitors aren't only used for children by the way, they have other uses. Also there are other services to listen to from 40 - 51mhz. if you try. :wink: 73, n9zas
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