
  1. PrivatelyJeff

    Antenna recommendations

    I’m putting together a raspberry pi based ADSB/UAT receiver system up in my house and am wondering if spending big bucks is worth it on antennas. The receiver equipment will be in a closet and I plan on sending to multiple tracking sites. There’s already good coverage over my area and my main...
  2. M - Find all aircraft that send tracking data. Both Military and Civil - Powered By Launches new Website: Check out the new website Where you can find all aircraft that send tracking data. Both military and civil. Latest News from on March 20, 2021. List of Aircrafts with year 2021...
  3. M

    PlaneWatcher Flight Tracking app on the Apple Watch - Powered by ADSBexchange

    PlaneWatcher Flight Tracking on the Apple Watch Visualize airplanes, helicopters, balloons etc. around you, without having to reach for your phone. ‍ PlaneWatcher shows you all aircraft, unfiltered, unlike most major flight tracking apps. Made possible by our amazing data provider ADSBExchange...
  4. M

    Chrome Extension for ADSBexchange Flight Tracking page - Click on an N-Number on to reveal aircraft ownership based on FAA data

    Click on an N-Number on to reveal aircraft ownership based on FAA data Instead of copying an aircraft's N Number and searching Google with each one, this Chrome Extension allows you to click on an aircraft's N Number on and view the ownership data based on FAA...
  5. M

    SkyScanWorld - Commercial, Private, Business Jets, and Military Aircraft Tracking - Real Time Flight Tracker

    SkyScanWorld The New Kids On The Block For Aircraft Tracking. SkyScanWorld will track everything "Globally" * Military Aircraft * FLARM Feed * Satellite Feed * Blocked Aircraft * Business Aircraft * Private Aircraft * Commercial Airlines Aircraft Desktop computer & iOS iPhone iPad / Android...
  6. M

    AVTraffic - Aviation Traffic Information with Voice Alerts - App for iPhone and iPad

    AVTraffic - Aviation Traffic Information - App for iPhone and iPad. With traffic annunciation using iOS's built in speech synthesiser. A choice of three different voices (US and AU - both female and UK - male) Audio alert when aircraft comes in the area. Good for long road trips and road...
  7. M

    COLORADO STATE PATROL - CSP Aircraft Fleet - Real Time Live Aircraft Flight Tracking

    COLORADO STATE PATROL - CSP Aircraft Fleet - Real Time Live Aircraft Flight Tracker Colorado State Patrol (CSP) Aircraft Best sites to use is ADSBexchange and...
  8. M

    Fresh Aviation Data - Airport Pages and Airlines Pages - Using ADSBexchange API ADS-B Data

    Fresh Aviation Data - Using ADSBexchange API ADS-B Data. Statistics * Busiest aircraft (landings in last 24 hours) * Busiest airports (landings in last 24 hours) * Busiest airlines (landings in last 24 hours) * Busiest aircraft types (landings in last 24 hours)...
  9. M

    Online Mode S/ADS-B Packet Decoder

    Online Mode S/ADS-B Packet Decoder Page to decode all of your mode-s packets and with sample packets. Screenshot
  10. M

    ADSBexchange - new map display in testing

    ADS-B Exchange new aircraft tracking map display in testing Multiple Maps available Map can be dimmed/darkened ADS-B Exchange wrote:
  11. severance17

    Airspy R2 MCX port Useage

    I am a long time member of radio reference and a long time scanner user who has recently begun a dive into software defined radios (6 months or so). And I have recently purchased a number a of SDRs (RTL-SDR, AIRSPY HF+ Discovery, and AIRSPY R2 w/ Spyverter). And during this dive with the...
  12. M

    FAA Releases Privacy Plan for ADS-B and Plan to protect the privacy of operators from real-time flight-tracking services

    FAA Releases Privacy Plan for ADS-B November 4, 2019 The FAA is putting one of the final pieces in place for the transition to the January 1,2020 ADS-B deadline, releasing a plan to protect the privacy of operators from real-time flight-tracking services. The Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) Program...
  13. thebaldgeek

    ADSB. ACARS. VDL2. Data Decoding website for Southern California

    Greetings. Sheepishly I have only just found out about this forum, but am excited to find you all. I would like to share a little website I have been working on for the past few years. It is a mix of URL's due to the decoding that we are doing. ADSB and VRS. Virtual Radar Server. We have around...
  14. M

    Chinese authorities initiated crackdown on foreign ADS-B receivers

    Chinese authorities initiated crackdown on foreign ADS-B receivers due to “National security”.
  15. J

    Improved ADS-B for SDRplay and Windows

    We now have an updated beta version of ADS-B for Windows. This is based upon the 16bit Mutability version of dump1090 developed by Oliver Jowett and unlocks the full 12 bit performance of the RSP1. People should see a significant performance improvement over the dump1090_sdrplus version, which...
  16. J

    Improved ADS-B for SDRplay and Raspberry Pi

    We now have an updated beta version of ADS-B for both the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. This is based upon the 16bit Mutability version of dump1090 developed by Oliver Jowett and unlocks the full 12 bit performance of the RSP1. People should see a significant performance improvement over the...
  17. F

    Colorado ADS-B feeds ?

    Anyone in Colorado receiving and feeding ADS-B. Looking for someone with good coverage.
  18. toastycookies

    New ADS-B exchange 100% Unfiltered.

    I have about 9-11 tracking at any given moment im at Mid-Coast area. Not sure how to just show my receptions but I am listed as VRS Feed-005 currently. One of the biggest things I thought was missing from my tracking, was more data! This guy has made that part pretty easy... it's an...
  19. phyberoptics

    Ontario Canada Air Ambulance ADS-B

    I was wondering if anyone knows whether ORNGE air ambulance, specifically the helicopters, use ADS-B OUT for beaconing their position?
  20. M

    FlightAware ADS-B and Receivers hardware - Share from PlanePlotter software

    FlightAware and ADS-B - In addition to receiving over 50 different government air traffic control and private datalink sources, FlightAware operates a worldwide infrastructure of ADS-B receivers tracking ADS-B-equipped aircraft flying around the globe. FlightAware...