airspy mini

  1. D

    Airspy R2 or Mini for mainly marine work

    Hi Folks i currently run an Airspy R2 and an RTL SDR (v4) on the UK marine frequencies (R2 at work and RTL at home close to our lifeboat station) but I’m considering changing the RTL to an Airspy but don’t know whether to go for an R2 or Mini. i’m a complete novice at this and moved from...
  2. dave3825

    SDR# Airspy Summer Sale

    For anyone looking for an Airspy product, Itead has the best shipping if you don't need it super fast.
  3. R

    Short 14 millisecond TETRA pulses not consistently detected in SDR Sharp

    Hi everyone, I am using SDRSharp with an Airspy Mini running at 10 MSPS and I am using 64x decimation. I am tuned to 384.250 mHz and am expecting to receive a pulse from a portofone (transceiver) every 4 seconds. I am using an appropriate dipole TETRA antenna (for the frequency of 380.25 mHz)...