
  1. K

    End fed random wire

    I am considering putting up a end fed random wire. I live on a lot with lots of trees from the north corner around the west side to the south corner, about 700 feet. I would like to work 160 through 10 meters. the rig is a Yaesu FT-991A (auto tuner), and I aslo have a manual tuner if needed. I...
  2. 2

    Does length matter? Scanner Antenna - Short vs. Long All-Band

    Does length matter? If the antenna is an All-Band 25-1300MHz antenna is the length just personal preference? Does performance vary by length? From 1 2/3" up to 17" all specify All-Band coverage from 25-1300MHz. Logically, I would think the longer length would get better coverage and clarity...