antenna tuning

  1. K

    Normal mode helix: monopole vs dipole hello, instead of employing that huge (3.00" x 9.50") reference ground plane, what would be the pros and cons of using two such antennas back to back as a helical dipole ? Operation environment will be rather cluttered with plastics and metals...
  2. K

    Elecraft: Elecraft K3S: Will it work with an ICOM AH-730 ATU?

    Hello, I use an LDG AT-100ProII ATU at my EFHW wire antenna before the coax runs to my Elecraft K3S transceiver in the shack. At this time, I am using FT8 and WSJT. After launching WSJT, I click on its "Tune" button and make any adjustments to improve quality. When this signal reaches the LDG...
  3. J

    Help VHF antenna, transmit with no receive

    Hello all, I'm a new ham who has been trying to learn and get my rig set up. I'm having issues with my HT (Retevis RA-89) receiving VHF when connected to the antenna mounted to my truck. I can transmit and receive when using a Diamond RA707, but audio is scratchy. I do not have a proper mobile...
  4. M

    Antenna tuning problem

    I've never had problems before tuning my antenna's. However, I'm in a 2018 Freightliner sleeper now and having SWR issues. I bought a Wilson 2000 with a short post. I mounted it on the mirror with the recommended mirror bracket. Had HIGH SWR's and kept cutting the whip. Soon found out I had...
  5. F

    new antenna install having an issue ive never seen

    new to this site not very computer savvy. i just installed a dual whip antenna system on a 2006 freightliner Columbia. antenna's were easy to install and didn't have to tune them once installed. started driving today after installing them last night and did a moving check of the swr on the swr...