
  1. K

    What exactly is encoded in the telemetry strip of a NOAA APT image?

    I was reading this specification here https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/satellite/publications/podguides/N-15 thru N-19/pdf/2.1 Section 4.0 Real Time Data Systems for Local Users .pdf where it lists the 16 fields of the telemetry strip of the image. but it neglects to say how to actually...
  2. marksroberson

    APT Image Problem

    I Have tried to receive the NOAA APT satellites on the 136-137 MHz range but i can never see the picture (its attached) i use MultiPSK and use a TYT TH-9800 Quad band radio can anyone help!
  3. marksroberson

    137 MHZ NOAA satellite antenna ideas?

    I want to get into "APT" viewing on the 136-137 MHz range due to my intrist in the HF weather satellite frequencies, however, many pictures I decode on HF are charts, or other non-satellite picture, but I did recieve a satellite picture at 8:00 PM 1/26/2015 on a frequency I have stored...
  4. blantonl

    Decoding NOAA APT Weather Images - A quick how to guide

    I wrote a blog post today on decoding NOAA APT Weather Satellite Photos: http://radioreference.blogspot.com/ Enjoy! Lindsay