
  1. M

    SSD District Changes?

    I was checking SSD's online crime mapping program, and I entered my address (My general area is Elk-Grove Florin Road & Calvine Road), and the district coming up is 6, when it used to say district 7. Has the department changed its districts? Or is this just an error in the program?
  2. Eastie

    Buzzing on many freqs?

    Hi, What's all this buzzing on many freqs? Never any voice.. Sometimes the buzz even goes in a beat.. bz bz bz bzbzbz... bz bz bz bzbzbz... bz bz bz bzbzbz....
  3. M

    SSD Beat Map

    Does anyone have a SSD Beat Map like in a PDF or some other format? If so I would like a copy of one. Please post! Or PM me! It would be greatly appreciated!