dmr hotspot

  1. Mountaineer304

    Finally getting a quality DMR! But now I’m not sure of what model lol

    So conflicted idk whether to get an Anytone D878UVII Plus Ht or a Anytone 578UVlll plus mobile or an Alinco md-500t tbh.. It’s gonna be my first big dmr purchase… I use a yaesu ftm 500 for a base and a anytone 6666 for 10/11 in my shack.. I just cannot decide between a mobile or a ht.. Gonna...
  2. Mountaineer304

    Considering upgrading to general

    I've had my techs for 4-5 years but I wanna try some new frequencies,modes and dx.. My question is should I upgrade and add a hf rig to the shack or just go this new dmr way that seems everyone is going? Thanks KE8ODY
  3. K

    Incorrect Location Showing on Hotspot

    I have a DMR simplex hotspot with a 3.2" screen running Pi-Star. When I transmit on my HT, my location is shown as Guantanamo Bay on the hotspot. I have the correct coordinates and grid square in Pi-Star and my location is correct in the Brandmiester self-care. When the hotspot receives, the...
  4. D

    PD782 to Hotspot

    I am at a loss on this. I have multiple PD782s, Anytone, Radioddity, Maxon radios along with about 6 Pi-Star DMR hotspots. Im doing some testing. I have one PD782 that will not talk to any hotspots no matter the frequency. All the other radios will work with all the hotspots except one PD782. I...
  5. C


    I have a NANO-SPOT MMDVM hotspot that is working great with my MD380 and TAIT TP9300 radios in DMR mode and works great in P25 with several commercial P25 radios. I can make a call on the DMR portable that gets decoded directly by my SDS100 but the NANO-SPOT does not decode its transmissions.I...