Partial County Alerting (PCA) is being proposed for Boulder County. PCA was introduced in the past few years to allow for more precise NWR and EAS alerting within a county by allowing local Weather Forecast Offices to partition the county by up to nine areas by changing the leading zero in the...
There are two UHF transmitters for EAS here in the granite state, what purpose do these serve? We already have a few NOAA stations.
EAS Kearsrge
Emergency Alert System - Mt. Kearsarge
Emergency Ops
EAS Manchstr
Emergency Alert System - Manchester
Does the California EDIS system still exist? If not, is there any replacement? Was the satellite part ever implemented?
The current California Emergency Alert plan (edited 2017) refers to a digital alert system
Wikipedia says it uses 37.0200 MHz and 37.3800 MHz and satellite, but the links...
I am looking into purchasing a used Federal Signal Informer and I've found a programming cable pinout so I plan to build my own. The only problem I am having is finding a place that sells the programming software. Is this something that is no longer available or am I looking in the wrong...
At about 11 AM on 9/28, an EAS alert was broadcast over the Morris County TX Sheriff's dispatch channel 154.875. The EAS alert, preceded by the EAS SAME tone bursts and warning tones, announced that 16 Chinese nuclear missiles were inbound and would impact within the next 15 minutes. The message...
Hello, does anyone out there know if the BCD996XT’s 9-pin connector supports a contact closure or GPI output? And if so what pins do I use.
Need info in order to trigger a priory interrupt for an Emergency Alert System (EAS)