
  1. K

    EFHW Resonant Antenna Analysis: Should phase at the antenna feedpoint be similar to the phase presented to the TXRX?

    I have a 30m EFHW resonant sloper antenna. I've completed tuning it using my RigExpert and have an excellent SWR at the antenna and the TXRX. I know that some common mode currents are present, so I have a CMC filter at the antenna and in the shack. I've attached an image showing the antenna...
  2. rjvalenta

    dead spots... and getting to them

    i am new to HF and 100% using FT8 so far... i would have WAS completed 40-10m if it weren't for 3 states on 12m... i'm in stlouis, these states are KY, AR, and MS... not far, 2 are touching my state, and PSKReporter shows my signals going right over them, sometimes i can hear KY or MS, but they...