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    Indiana State Police Region Six Transmitter

    I'm just wondering since the Indiana State police are on the Indiana Project 25 system can't I just add the local transmitter site here in Elkhart even though the description is Breman?
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    Can't pick up Mishawaka LSM?

    I moved to Elkhart and can pick up South Bend perfectly but can't pick up Mishawaka. I have the Mishawaka and South Bend tower sites in my radio. Someone thats been a great help suggested I post this question here. He thinks it may be a LSM problem. I'm using a ws1065.
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    Questions on St. Joe, Elkhart counties

    Just became a paid member here. I just got a new bcd396xt. Blows my mind how much scanning has changed since I last listened years ago. . I feel likea caveman waking up in the future. Anyways Im using freescan and imported freq. to the software. Im still waiting on my rs232 to usb cable so I...