handheld radios

  1. kb7rky

    Icom IC-F3/F4 LMR HT Programming

    Hi all: I've recently acquired a few older Icom LMR radios; specifically, an F3 (VHF) and a set of F4 (UHF) radios, that I would like to reprogram into the MURS/FRS/GMRS bands. I have the necessary software (Icom CS-F3) to program them with, as well as the cable(s) and adapters. The problem...
  2. scanfan22

    Looking for some help.

    Is anyone looking to give away a handheld HAM radio that covers 70cm (440) and the 2 meter bands, that can also cover 800 mhz for LAFD? I do not have the means to purchase one but there are times when a handheld one would really be useful since the only thing I have is a mobile that I am using...