
  1. Mountaineer304

    Heil Sound Headphones worth it?

    Looking for a nice headset so I don't keep the wife and kids up, Heil Ham Sound seems to be the industry standard or something? But there so expensive? I found a pair of old stock Heil Sound Pro set 6 for a good price still sealed in box? And Input is appreciated.
  2. COMSECFORPatrol2016

    Advice needed on Best Acoustic Tube "Surveillance" Headsets for Nightclub environment

    Advice needed on Best Acoustic Tube "Surveillance" Headsets for Nightclub environment Hello, I'm looking for advice on what the best acoustic tube headsets are for noisy environments. I am the operations manager for a security company and one of our locations is a nightclub. The...
  3. A

    ICOM to iPhone adapter?

    I have an ICOM style (3.5 mm and 2.5 mm male connectors) PTT headset for use in a helmet, and I'd like to use it for PTT with an iPhone (or Samsung, etc). Does anyone know of an adapter out there (Googling has failed so far)? Also, I can't tell for sure, but is one connector for the speaker and...
  4. thereverend2u2

    McDonalds New Headset Freq's?

    Does anyone have the new freq's for the new Mc Donalds headsets. I was scanning around looking for them but cant seem to find them please let me know