
  1. J

    Scanners in cars in MN & antennas in HOAs

    I've heard that you can have a scanner in your vehicle in Minnesota so long as you have a Ham liscense, any truth to that? A transceiver being ok but a dedicated scanner not seems ridiculous. Also, can an HOA keep you from putting up an antenna if you're a Ham (and can assist in an emergency...
  2. W

    Chameleon Ecopmm-II and Indoor use in an apartment

    Greetings all, I am using a Chameleon Ecomm-II end fed multiband antenna in my apartment due to extensive restrictions. I have the antenna running around the bedroom ceiling of my second floor apartment. It is a big compromise, but gets me on the air. The length of the antenna is a bit too...
  3. W

    New to HAM - Antenna question

    Greetings. I am looking for advice/help with some antenna ideas and hoping some of you veterans might help. Since I was about 13 I have been interested in this hobby and now 30 years later I am finally licensed. I hope to take the general in the next month or two to expand my capabilities...
  4. djpaulino

    Help support the Amateur Radio Parity Act

    No more HOA antenna restrictions soon!!!! From the ARRL: The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2017 was introduced in the US Senate on July 12, marking another step forward for this landmark legislation. Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) are the Senate sponsors. The...