
  1. M

    HP-2: HomePatrol 2 - Signal drop even with only 1 system

    HI all. I'm trying to determine why my HP-2 appears to be constantly dropping a signal while scanning. I have only one Favourite system programmed and selected, which contains a P25 TRS. That system contains only one site, with only the CC and SCC programmed. The received signal from the CC is...
  2. T

    HP-2: Good Sale Price on Uniden HomePatrol-2

    For those currently in the market for a brand-new Uniden HomePatrol-2 scanner, Main Trading Company (mtcradio.com) in Paris, Texas currently has it on sale for $399.99. FREE shipping is included for orders over $100 and sales tax is charged only if you are shipping to a Texas address. For...
  3. W

    Paint can antenna

    Friends, I'm in Eden Prairie MN where muti-path likely is tainting my HomePatrol scanner experience. The orange box store has a nice selection of bright empty paint can sizes for sale, but what size "works" at 800 mhz. A quart, gallon, etc.? Do I want a gallon as it it is closer to a quarter...