
  1. rpurchases10

    Anytone AnyTone AT-878UVii Plus “Diddy Diddler” mode failure.

    I’ve recently been playing around with a lower budget portable 2-way radio I purchased from an RR member through the classified section. Occasionally, the radio’s user interface produces some of the most hilarious spelling and grammar “Chinesium Easter Eggs” .. 😂 The AnyTone AT-878UVii Plus...
  2. ladn

    Diversification from Radio

    Diversification is the name of the game in today's global marketplace. :) Maybe some Tesla tomatoes to go with this?
  3. V

    POLL: When will Whistler release their first new hardware?

    In the spirit of the thread here: This is a new poll based on the same sense of humor shown in the above linked poll.
  4. K

    Funny Ham Radio News - Ham Hijinks

    My radio club, the Noise Blankers Radio Group, decided to try something new. We started a funny ham radio news section of our website called "Ham Hijinks." We generate satirical news, silly graphics and amusing videos. It's been a good way to poke fun at ourselves, get others involved and...