
  1. batdude

    TS/Hurricane Milton Master Thread

    please keep all discussions regarding the incoming storm in this thread. be ready - especially in the Tampa area. The time is NOW to get the things that you will need for the next week or so. If you are evacuating, you need to watch the track closely and make sure you aren't moving into the...
  2. w2xq

    Hurricane Net

    The Brandmeister talkgroup 3199 is apparently active; a WX9VOR station with a Dashboard ID 31990 -- no call shown -- came up Thu 11:25a Eastern. A number of listen-only VOIP rooms were announced. Whoever that person was spoke too quickly for me to capture his call or the rooms given. Sounds...
  3. KE4ZNR

    Hurricane Florence Discussion

    This thread is for discussing monitoring info for Hurricane Florence. Please help us keep it on topic. Thanks and be safe! Marshall KE4ZNR
  4. Danny37

    NYC and Severe weather

    Hurricane season is around the corner and that means more severe weather coming. The potential for flooding, damaging winds and tropical weather is high this year. Seeing that I'm probably not going to be out volunteering like I did during sandy and Irene, I thought I can put up a list of PS...
  5. w2lie

    Hurricane Irene scanner feed at will setup the "Special" feed this weekend to include the following agencies for Hurricane Irene: Nasasu County OEM Suffolk County EOC New York City OEM Nassau County ARES Nassau County RACES Suffolk County ARES/RACES Nassau County SKYWARN Suffolk County SKYWARN New York City ARES...
  6. Robbyboy

    Hurricane Earl

    With the potential for a an impact of Hurricane Earl, has anyone else caught anything while monitoring? Im getting my systems set up and was wondering if anyone else has heard anything. The NHC track continuously shifts to the west so it ought be interesting.
  7. trooperdude

    National Hurricane Operational Plan- 2009

    Warning 2 Mb PDF file