
  1. K

    [Help] Kiwisdr & FLDigi setup. Windows 10

    Before I invest in a radio I want to see if the digital modes are something I would be interested in. I've decided to try and monitor some of the PSK31 traffic using the various kiwisdr online radios and FLDigi. I've downloaded VB-Audio cables and installed them to link the sdr and FLDigi. The...
  2. I

    KiwiSDR and recommendations for antennas and cables

    I recently bought a KiwiSDR and it's my first SDR so far. I was wondering, what antennas you guys recommendation for it and whether the W6LVP antenna is truly good for it (it was listed on the KiwiSDR site as a recommended antenna, but it's a bit pricey for me (doable but pricy)). I'm trying to...