
  1. B

    New as can be to this! Have KNG P-150 programming questions !

    Hello guys, been using radios for a long time . Never programmed a radio. RES software is loaded on PC, radio charged, frequcies loaded on spreadsheet, cable in hand. I havnt the slightest clue from here.......
  2. BlueDevil

    Heavy Duty Headset for BK KNG Radio

    I am looking for some heavy duty single muff headsets that we can use with our BK KNG-P150 radios. It is very difficulty to find headsets that are compatible with the KNG style accessory port. I would even be staffed with finding an adapter that would attach to the KNG and convert the accessory...
  3. BlueDevil

    Relm/Bendix King Forum

    Hello, would it be possible to establish a Relm/Bendix King Forum as apart of the Commercial, Professional Radio and Personal Radio category?