
  1. GraniteScanner

    What happened to low band VHF for licensed business use?

    It seems most of the systems sold today that still use radio technology instead of POC or sat technology are only high VHF and UHF. I know icom still sells a HF transceiver but it appears that companies such as Motorola had sold low band VHF equipment for business use at one time. While there...
  2. T

    How to get paper license

    I passed my tech. exam a while back and I got my FRN number with password in the mail. I was wondering when I would get a physical copy of the license itself. From what I have been told, the FCC might not actually send these out anymore unless one asks them to. Is that correct? If so, how can I...
  3. S

    Can a victimless felon get an Amateur Radio Licence?

    Today this news blurb from caught my eye. I saw some pervert sex offender (felon) got his radio licensed take away from him. And on and on the article continued... FCC Reverses ALJ Im 26 years old. I am a convicted felon. When i was 21 i was convicted under some drug charge. It was my...
  4. D

    Quick Technician License Question

    Hey everyone, I've been studying up to get my amateur radio technician licence and I had a quick question. I know in Florida it is illegal to carry a police scanner in your vehicle unless you fall under one of the designated criteria such as being a licensed amateur radio operator. Does my...