I have more or less mastered the arcane art of making an AM loop antenna. typically I don't use an inductance loop and wire it directly to the radio with the variable capacitor (VC) in series with the POS (red) jack and one lead from the loop, with the other lead going to the GND (black) jack...
I have a Zenith Transoceanic, model A600. I recently replaced the Wave Magnet's 300 Ohm antenna lead-in wire, and noticed that the loop windings on the antenna's core are wound differently at either end. On the end where the lead-in wire is soldered to the loop, the windings are consistently...
I have used my small loop antenna (which has a main loop and a coupling loop that can be tuned using a variable capacitor) with an AM radio receiver to receive MW broadcasts. However, the small loop antenna which was made by me was not working properly but when I connected a ferrite rod loop...
Who else uses the KU4AB VHF / UHF loops? SQ-50 6m square loop. SQ-144 2m square loop. SQ-432 432 mHz square loop.
In 2010 I bought the KU4AB SQ-50 single loop, SQ-144 stacked loops and SQ-432 stacked loops that I used for VHF / UHF rover operations. I liked how each of the loops worked well...
Problem: When I go on vacations and outings, I like to take my Icom 705 with me. I do a lot of FT8 and SSB work at QRP levels. The issue is, especially when operating from or near a hotel and other noise makers (power lines, etc), it's almost impossible to operate because of all the man-made...
I need to know which type of antenna is best for scanning 3 MHz to 3 GHz signals using a RTL2832U SDR?
What is the difference between using a telescopic and a discone antenna? Which is better?