
  1. D

    XTS2500 and 5000, P25 Quick Call II

    I may be searching the wrong way but haven't found much info on it. I was recently made Fire Chief with my department back in October and I am looking for a way to streamline our radio usage for more coverage and better reception. We currently use XTS and XTL radios, 2500 and 5000 models of...
  2. S

    LWIN Site info on TRX-2

    Hey guys. I mostly monitor the Louisiana Wireless Information Network. I have my TRX-2 set to display site info as I travel a lot and would like to see what site I'm monitoring. What I'm seeing is the sites being reported don't seem to make sense, For example, When in Shreveport I will see...
  3. B

    Can Motorola XTS 3000 800mhz be programmed to transmit and receive on LWIN...

    There are several good deals online for these Motorola XTS 3000s. My question is, could these radios be programmed to transmit and receive traffic on LWIN P25 frequencies that are on the 700mhz band? Many of our members are without radios and I am hoping to find a temporary affordable solution...
  4. S

    Ascension SO encrypted?

    Hello guys, so I was looking in the databases and got confused. I was specifically searching for the Donaldsonville SO frequencies. Here comes the confusion. On the trunked radio systems list was the Ascension Parish Public Safety (west), which i believe is Donaldsonville, on the P25 system. The...
  5. L

    Pro 106 ???

    Can you program 700 channels with the P25 in the same scan list with talk groups that are with LWIN? If so, do the talk groups have to be first in that scan list? I have been able to locate 2 talk groups ( 5300, 5301), and have located several 700 channels through signal stalker. Since loading...
  6. A

    700 and 800 MHz

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a mobile mount scanner antenna for listening to the 700 and 800 MHz that are being used on the LWIN.
  7. JamesPrine

    Orleans Levee District Police Department

    Hello everyone... I'm interested in monitoring the activities of the Orleans Levee District Police Department, but can find no reference whatsoever to them in the RR database. For that matter, I cannot find any frequency information for the Westwego or Harahan police departments, either; I...
  8. V

    LWIN Coverage Map as of 8/25/2009

    Interopability - P25 Coverage Map
  9. G

    Lafourche TGID's LWIN 700mhz

    I have found some of these TGID's that are not in the Louisiana Lafourche Database These are all the Talk Group ID's that came from our LAFOEP radios TAG TGID Description 15 LPG-EVENT-1 33567 All Agency Special Event Channel 16 LPG-EVENT-2 33568...
  10. G

    Lafourche Parish TGIDs LWIN

    I have found some TGID's that are not in the database for Lafourche Parish 700 mhz LWIN system This is from the LAFEOP radios that we have [TAG] [TGID] [ Description] 15 LPG-EVENT-1 33567 All Agency Special Event Channel 16 LPG-EVENT-2 33568 All Agency...
  11. kevins669

    Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN) Discussion

    The governing authority has adopted the name Louisiana Wireless Information Network, or LWIN, for the statewide 700/800 MHz P25 communications system. As such, all references to the former name, "LATIE," should not be used, and will be updated on RadioReference on next touch. This new thread...
  12. loumaag

    LWIN Discussion Thread

    This sticky thread is for the sole purpose of helping to identify talk groups heard on the LATIE system. When posting an unknown, please specify where you heard it, what type of traffic you heard and any possible identifying information you may have. When posting information that may identify...