
  1. T

    Massachusetts State Police

    Hello there. Just wanted some suggestions on equipment and programming the MSP (might be the wrong thread). I want to listen to Massachusetts State Police Trunk, which is P25 Type 2 I live in the Essex/Middlesex area. I wanted to program it with the entire state since it will be mounted in my...
  2. J

    Antenna Recommendation for a Multifamily Unit for GMRS Baofeng UV-5R (Newbie Here)

    Hello everyone, i am in Massachusetts, in a a suburban area, more building than houses, but only 3 family buildings at the most, not much open areas, growing population, 30-45 minutes from the main city. I own a multifamily, legal 2 families with a finish attic, so like 3 family. Which antenna...
  3. Selling- Uniden TrunkTracker V BCD996P2 w/DMR upgrade

    Selling- Uniden TrunkTracker V BCD996P2 w/DMR upgrade

    I will sell you my BCD996P2 w/DMR, ac power cable, does not come with an antenna... because I was using my base antenna in my house. Minor wear and tear... Works flawlessly! Added bonus: I will keep all of the Massachusetts Frequencies programed (if you are in my area) Mass State PD & all...
  4. I

    Trying to monitor Mass SP

    I bought a brand-new BCD996P2, subscribed to RR & downloaded ProScan all with the hopes of receiving Massachusetts state police once again. I'm pretty sure I imported all the correct information, and with some trial & error I managed to figure out how to upload it properly to the scanner. Yet...
  5. esalach

    New to the game BC125AT

    Good afternoon, and Merry Christmas to all, My wife got me a Uniden BC125AT for Christmas. After some stumbling around with a half read through the instructions I was able to find the local police department I was looking for. This was a great surprise seeing that they were cut off of Radio...
  6. W

    Testing/Quantifying scanner range (Western Mass)

    Greetings all. I've been very casually scanning for almost 25 years now and just upgraded from my trusty RS PRO-2006 to a BCD996XT. So far I have I have more or less figured out the programming and am using Proscan which makes it easier. My questions relate to improving reception. I *feel* like...
  7. ST-Bob

    Worcester EDACS geotag question

    The Worcester Public Safety EDACS system Worcester Public Safety Trunking System, Worcester, Massachusetts - Scanner Frequencieshas some talkgroups that cover the reservoirs for Worcester which are outside the city's borders. When I calculated the geotag data I set it up so the range circle...