miami dade police

  1. resnickm

    Difficulty Scanning Miami City P25 System

    I know the city's P25 system is fairly new (and still seems to be underway), but I was hoping someone had some insight to its current status/functionality. I set up an SDR last week and programmed in the P25 system and was able to pick up fairly decent audio for a few days. All of a sudden, it...
  2. J

    Is Miami Dade Police still in the clear?

    I used to listen to Miami Dade Police Dept for years until they switched to a new radio system in late 2014 or early 2015. I believe it's a PL25 system. Last year, I read that they had problems with the new system and went back to clear transmissions for a while. Can anyone in this forum advise...
  3. J

    Is Miami-Dade Police still in the clear?

    I used to listen to Miami Dade Police Dept for years until they switched to a new radio system in late 2014 or early 2015. I believe it's a PL25 system. I heard that they had problems with the new system and went back to clear transmissions for a while. Can anyone in this forum advise if Miami...