mmotorola xts5000

  1. RadioCheckk

    Unable to add Frequencies to XTS5000 800Mhz

    I hit a wall with plugging in certain frequencies into my XTS5000 7/800 mhz radio. I am confused because on one radio, I can add certain frequencies that I can't on 2 other XTS5000s. Yes, they are both 7/800 mhz radios by confirming Model H18UCH9PW7AN. Flashport does seem to be different. The...
  2. New Motorola WPLN4208 IMPRES "DROP IN" Vehicle Rapid Charger for XTS5000 XTS2500 XTS1500

    New Motorola WPLN4208 IMPRES "DROP IN" Vehicle Rapid Charger for XTS5000 XTS2500 XTS1500

    New Motorola WPLN4208 IMPRES "DROP IN" Vehicle Rapid Charger for XTS5000 XTS2500 XTS1500 BRAND NEW "IN THE BOX" Never Used, Never Installed. $90.00 with FREE USPS Priority Mail Shipping I accept Zelle, CashApp, and PayPal but ONLY the "Friends and Family" NO FEES PayPal option. Thanks 73s Jim
  3. JimD56

    MAY 2022 Shack Re-Do

    In my last shack, I had everything in one Rack (Box) an 8U Black Woodgrain Rack (24"hx21w"x16"deep) which took up the whole left side of my corner desk, reducing my workspace. Great for the radios/scanners not good for desk space. In this new change, I found smaller narrow standard rack boxes...
  4. Motorola XTS 5000 HT's

    Motorola XTS 5000 HT's

    2ea Motorola ATS 5000 HT's. Removed from fire service. 100% operational. Both in good condition cosmetically. Photos on request. $200.00 each. Contact