morris county

  1. M

    Difficulty with the 700 simulcast for Morris County

    Programming a Whistler WS1040 and it will not pick up the Police Dispatch 8 on the trunked system of 700 Simulcast for Morris County. The software I'm using is the PSRedit500. The police come in loud and clear on the 3 Uniden BCD325P2, however the Whistler WS1040 isn't picking anything up for...
  2. Salvatorejrc

    BCD996P2 VS SDS200 on NJ Systems

    I was thinking about buying either buying the 200, or two bcd996p2's. Has anyone in Morris County experienced monitoring Morris County's P25 system, NJICS, & Parsippany with the 996p2 vs the 200? Can the 996p2 handle the simulcast like the 200 can? I heard it is hit or miss with the 996p2...
  3. rhtierney

    Morris County NJ MIRS

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this as I'm new, but I'm looking for help with Morris County MIRS. I understand the technology and how the system "works", however can't program my Uniden XT to decode it. Any advice or a code plug for my scanner would be helpful. Thanks! KC2HQV
  4. N

    Morris County MIRS FD Response T/G Simulcast

    FYI The county has been simulcasting all FIRE response talkgroups to 151.055 (Old New Vernon Fire Dispatch). They have a Mobile radio receiving all the fire t/g's feeding the simulcast. So, if you don't have a digital capable scanner, this is your best chance to hear what's going on. Just...
  5. chiefjohnson

    Roxbury pd uhf

    Apparently Roxbury PD will be handing over it's dispatching duties over to Morris County and will be using the MEIRS System. They will also be siging over their existing UHF FD, PD & DPW pairs to the county to expand the MEIRS System. Roxbury already transmits from the Mooney Mountain tower...
  6. D

    New Morris County NJ Live Feed Created

    New Morris County Feed: *will have digital up and running soon
  7. S

    Morris County Communications Center

    Hi. I have been hearing calls on my scanner about people needing the fire department or the ambulance or the police. I noticed the departments not dispatched by the county are getting to the call or scene faster than the ones that are dispatched from the county. Any reason why this is? P.S. I...
  8. S

    Morris County, New Jersey wrong frequecies!

    I was looking at the frequency database for Morris County New Jersey and saw that some of the frequecies were listed in the wrong place or mixed up. For example 45.34 isused for Boonton Fire Department. That is their channel 2. Also now that Mt. Lakes and Boonton Twp. have switched to the county...