motorola apx6000

  1. APXandRailroadRadios

    APX6000 Fail 01/A2

    Hello RadioReference, I took apart 6000 to put a new RF board in due to the old one having P25 conventional disabled. Now that I have the board in it says "Fail 01/A2". I put the original RF board back in, and it still says fail. I have tried both multiple times now, but even on the original...
  2. Jonathon_Hopkins

    Motorola APX Voice Announcement

    Does anyone can you just write the channel announcement into the codeplug? Or do you need to have the radio present while programming.
  3. Danny37

    What's the general price of an apx6000?

    I've been looking around and I see that websites don't list the price for radio, anyone have a general idea of how much these radios go for new vs used? $2000 for used (which I've seen on eBay) seems to be overpriced to my eyes. Not the XE models, the standard model.