motorola xtl2500

  1. MOTOROLA XTL2500 UHF R2 450-512mhz O5 HEAD

    MOTOROLA XTL2500 UHF R2 450-512mhz O5 HEAD

    FOR SALE MOTOROLA XTL2500 UHF R2 450-512mhz Black Face "O5 HEAD" Was used in my shack only. Still sits in my rack until sold. No microphone, No speaker. Includes Power Cables, Rear Speaker Connect Cable. Guaranteed NOT DOA. NO Programming. See Pics. $375.00 FIRM, PayPal "Friends and...
  2. JimD56

    MAY 2022 Shack Re-Do

    In my last shack, I had everything in one Rack (Box) an 8U Black Woodgrain Rack (24"hx21w"x16"deep) which took up the whole left side of my corner desk, reducing my workspace. Great for the radios/scanners not good for desk space. In this new change, I found smaller narrow standard rack boxes...
  3. JimD56

    WTB Motorola XTL2500/5000 UHF 403-470

    Looking for a used, won't break the bank, Motorola XTL2500 or XTL5000. UHF 403-470mhz Only. Dash Mount. Yes, I have looked on eBay and QRZ. Thanks 73s Jim D
  4. H

    Motorola XTL 2500 *HELP*

    I work for a small government agency and we use a XTL 2500 converted to a base station to dispatch units in the field. We are wanting to add a foot pedal configuration somehow, to allow hands-free operation at our dispatch console. I am not finding anything very easily online.... Has anyone on...