open squelch

  1. rjvalenta

    APX open squelch monitor

    in CPS for the XTS - first option on the first page of the conventional settings - Monitor Type: Open Squelch / Silent where is this in APX CPS? aside from 'Squelch Per Personality' i don't see anything in Conventional Wide.... nor do i see it in the Conventional Systems or the...
  2. W5JCK

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Is there a bug reporting location?

    So where do we submit bugs reports to Uniden? The Uniden website is an absolute, pathetic mess, at least in the Support area. Most of the links haven't worked in months/years. Just to find a darn manual or file is a chore. Uniden seems to have moved over here to take care of support. So where do...
  3. F

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: Getting the alert light to stay on?

    I would like the alert light to stay on during an open squelch, is this possible? Right now it activates and lasts like 5 seconds no matter how short or long the message is.