
  1. K

    Parts for a RS Pro-97 scanner

    I’m looking for either the black or the yellow battery trays for the pro97. I bought the pro97 on eBay but didn’t come with either one. Thanks Todd kc0ccb / wrkh774
  2. Schwartzm9039

    WIN97 - Serial port comm to PC/IF on the PRO97 (Baud, parity, stop bits, etc)

    Does anyone set a particular baud rate, stop bit, and parity setting when using WIN97 [on Windows 2000, or XP] with the OEM Radio Shack PC/IF to serial cable? Does WIN97 prefer to be registered and paid for to work correctly during the evaluation period? I keep a laptop with a dual boot system...
  3. S

    Programming a PRO-97 Scanner

    I have had this scanner for ever and never found the way to properly program it. I just found the WIN97 program but don't know exactly how to use it. Does anyone know of a video to walk me through setting this up with alpha tags etc? I love this little scanner and it still operates great but i...
  4. mjmays

    PRO 97 Failed readback test

    I need some help on what direction to take. I have an RS Pro 97 that has been a great scanner for years. I downloaded all the frequencies to Win97 made all my changes but could not upload them. Got the readback test failed error. All com port setting are correct, I have a new two-way cable. The...
  5. M

    Delay Time

    I know there is no way to actually set a delay for conventional frequencies like you can trunked. But, is there a way to, sort of, trick it to basically be the same as being delayed. Would it work to set the same conventional frequencies in multiple banks in the same channel or in different...
  6. B

    Programming a scanner for a repeater

    I have a RadioShack Pro97 scanner. I've been trying to set it up for repeaters. I've put in all of the local frequencies and tones but I get nothing. I'm assuming that the MODE should be CT as that's the only way I can enter a TONE. I don't know what the bank type should be. (i.e. CONV...
  7. D

    Pro 97 Question

    I monitor system 10 (San Bernardino City, CA Police) 800MhZ Motorola Smartnet type II with my portable Pro 97... (I have all MOT'S blocked but 20784 CH 1 primary) I also have a Pro 2025 with the same system exact freq's programmed into it as my Pro 97. On my Pro 97, every other tx I receive (50%...
  8. S

    Help for MPD/Shelby County

    I need someone to help me with Memphis Police Dept. feed. I loaded the freqs. and talkgroups but the scanner keeps hanging up on the controls. I'm using a RS Pro97 I know it's proably a simple fix but I have tried everything I know to do and it's still happening.