
  1. N

    APRS how to keep out of 144.390

    I am not against using 144.39 but I am involved now with something I am trying to work out. I am a long time player on APRS but recently my fire department has asked me to set it up for our CERT team (many are hams) to set up for search and rescue so that we can track our people and the searches...
  2. M

    Conventional Frequency Lists for Lincoln County

    I have made the jump from my Bearcat 780XLT to a Whistler 1040 and I have successfully imported the Wyolink Frequencies from RR however when I search for Conventional Frequences it only list Lincoln County Business as an Agency. I should expect to find listings for SAR, Sherrifs office, road...
  3. VE1GAT

    Fire Department Nova Scotia Valley plus, programming simplex (hello Pat)

    This is my CHIRP pack that includes: Valley Fire Departments (scan list) NS Fire departments on VHF (not all of them) No repeaters Search & Rescue (Canadian & Mutual aid) Marine 16 GMRS (scans CH20 MURS Weather This is for VFF only. These are not waterproof. If you wish to scan NS fire...
  4. k6scm

    Right now: Joint CHP/USAF SAR/Medevac Op on CALCORD/CLEMARS1

    Does anyone have any information on the traffic taking place between CHP H-24 and USAF Rescue aircraft 1-15 utilizing CALCORD and CLEMARS1 for Air-Ground SAR with a "Team-1" and discussing patient extraction ops currently underway? There is also a CHP S-2 at the CP. Location is unknown, but...
  5. rfsparkz

    Yrps Sar

    York region doing Search & Rescue for person.Just came across it so dont know details.