
  1. V

    Can you recognize this antenna?

    Hi guys, This kind of antenna is commonly used by brazilian truck drivers to communicate with UHF Milsat. In Brazil this satellite is known as "bolinha" and you probably already heard about it. I'm wondering if this antenna design really makes sense for satellite communication or if it was...
  2. marksroberson

    FTA Satellite TV

    Greetings Friends, I am finally moving into a house of my own, and am facing an all-too common issue: HIGH CABLE BILLS I have been a believer in free OTA antenna TV for many years, but where I am moving, I receive a total of 2 TV channels (and the sub-channels are pointless) so I believe I am...
  3. J

    Wouxun wouxun kg uv8d: how to use the duplex feature?

    Okay, I'm confused on how this works. I just made a contact on so 50... I thought the duplex mode was active, I could still hear the squelch in my headphones when I keyed up... But I didn't hear myself talking on the rx side... Someone did respond to me so I know I got through. How can I...
  4. w2xq

    32nd Winter SWL Fest Feb 28-Mar 2, near Philadelphia

    "The Winter SWL Fest is a conference of radio hobbyists of all stripes, from DC to daylight. Every year scores of hobbyists descend on the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania suburbs for a weekend of camaraderie. The Fest is sponsored by NASWA, the North American Shortwave Association, but it covers much...
  5. M

    Polish students’ satellite - PW-Sat2

    As soon as 19th November 2018 launch of 4. polish satellite - PW-Sat2 - is scheduled. It’s primary mission is a technological tests of sail-based deorbit system. The PW-Sat2 is one of the payloads in SpaceFlight SSO-A The SmallSat Express mission aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket. Please be...
  6. AD8NT

    Simple V Dipole For Satcom Downlink

    I recently made a V-Dipole antenna using a set of rabbit ear antennas after looking at an article I found over at the rtl-sdr blog. Simple NOAA/Meteor Weather Satellite Antenna: A 137 MHz V-Dipole He was using it to rx weather satellite images, I figured if it is good enough for that maybe I...
  7. H

    Satellite Basic Tutorial

    This satellite tutorial covers satellite transponder,satellite frequency bands,network, parts,orbits,services,satellite types,capacity allocation,network configurations,applications etc. Refer: Satellite tutorial | What is satellite | tutorials
  8. del1964

    Iridium Satellite?

    New to satellite "scanning" / "monitoring" and did a little Googl'ing around and found this frequency range for Iridium satellites. Where's the best info out there to monitor/decode/demodulate any of these comms?
  9. marksroberson

    APT Image Problem

    I Have tried to receive the NOAA APT satellites on the 136-137 MHz range but i can never see the picture (its attached) i use MultiPSK and use a TYT TH-9800 Quad band radio can anyone help!
  10. marksroberson

    137 MHZ NOAA satellite antenna ideas?

    I want to get into "APT" viewing on the 136-137 MHz range due to my intrist in the HF weather satellite frequencies, however, many pictures I decode on HF are charts, or other non-satellite picture, but I did recieve a satellite picture at 8:00 PM 1/26/2015 on a frequency I have stored...
  11. 2sudsy

    My QFH antenna project

    This is a powerpoint presentation of a quadrifilar helix antenna for 136 mhz. I built it from parts at my local hardware store.
  12. C

    Tape Measure Beam - Less than $20 in Parts!

    They look cool ... they get you into the world of high gain on 2M and/or 440 ... they cost little ... Just don't try to get one past TSA at the airport ... (grin) Several tape measure beam DIY project plans - as well as a story of how one group made a handheld beam out of barbed wire and...
  13. B

    Blind signal analysis of satellite transmissions

    Hi folks, I gave a presentation entitled "Hacking the Wireless World with Software Defined Radio" at Ruxcon 2011. Part of this covers how one can analyse and demodulate various signals (e.g. those from a satellite) without precise a priori knowledge of modulation/coding parameters. I used a USRP...
  14. K

    Tips for a new satellite listener?

    I have a 2m band Icom handheld radio and was hoping to catch the ISS in its pass over my school this Thursday. Do y'all have any tips? I have the included ("Rubber Ducky?") antenna. I know it's possible to catch the ISS this way just not the details.. Oh and what's the usual doppler shift from...
  15. J

    Non State Associated Frequencies

    Hi there - I was looking around for this the last couple of days and didn't turn anything up, i may be possibly missing something though too, so let me know if i am. Is there any way to query the database for frequencies that aren't associate with a state or region? I've specifically been...
  16. bReed11091

    Homebrew LEO Satellite Antenna

    I'm working on building some yagi antennas based on the AMSAT instructions, but I'm having trouble finding something to use for the elements. Radio Shack doesn't sell aluminum ground wire anymore and finding it locally has been somewhat difficult. Before I go any further, I want to get some...
  17. poltergeisty

    ON-Star Off-Star?
  18. blantonl

    Decoding NOAA APT Weather Images - A quick how to guide

    I wrote a blog post today on decoding NOAA APT Weather Satellite Photos: Enjoy! Lindsay